Steven Moffat to recieve Special BAFTA TV Award!

May 19th, 2012

Steven Moffat has been named as the recipient of this year’s BAFTA Television Special Award!

The writer has been recognised for his “outstanding creative writing contribution to television”. He is currently serving as showrunner on Doctor Who, a role he took on in 2008, and is also acclaimed for co-creating another of BBC One’s flagship series, Sherlock, alongside Mark Gatiss. His previous work includes Stay Lucky, Joking Apart, Jekyll and Coupling. He’ll be presented with the prize later this month.

“Blimey! A Special Award! I didn’t even know I was ill! So thrilled by this – especially after two years of Sherlock and Doctor Who, my two favourite shows ever,” Steven commented. “Of course the work, and the people I get to work with, has always been the reward I need – a fact I am admittedly glad that BAFTA has disregarded.”

The Chairman of BAFTA, Tim Corrie, added: “Steven’s had an outstanding year with Doctor Who and Sherloc, and we are delighted to honour his contribution to television and the arts at the BAFTA ceremony on 27 May. He’s one of the finest exponents of his craft, and his Award – presented in honour of the late Dennis Potter – is well deserved.”

We definitely agree – congratulations, Steven! What are your favourite Moffat moments?

15 comments on this article
  1. JC
    May 19th, 2012 at 6.02am | #1

    No comment can be a comment in itself, so…… comment

  2. TSG
    May 19th, 2012 at 10.57am | #2

    ‘I didn’t even know I was ill!” hahahaha thank you Moff!

    And my favourite Moffat moment is still meeting him at the DWC. Yep. I’m just going to sit here and gloat.

  3. JC
    May 19th, 2012 at 7.05pm | #3

    I should really elaborate. I’ve had various and numerous problems with Doctor Who since Steven Moffat took over (though admittedly, I’ve liked episodes and bits and pieces).

    Having said that, I haven’t watched Sherlock or any of his other work, so I can’t say he doesn’t deserve the award for that.

    In terms of Doctor Who though, I wouldn’t have given him the award personally. Having said that, we’ll see how he does with Series 7 and most importantly, with the 50th Anniversary.

  4. TE
    May 20th, 2012 at 7.05pm | #4

    Sherlock and Jekyll, in my personal opinion, are two of the greatest British dramas of the last decade.

  5. TWWL
    May 20th, 2012 at 7.38pm | #5

    He definitely deserves it; lots of great Who episodes (LOTS), Sherlock is amazing, loved a lot of his comedy shows, like Coupling, Joking Apart, Press Gang, and Jekyll was a heap of fun. The guy is a top of the rage TV writer.

  6. JC
    May 20th, 2012 at 9.25pm | #6

    I’m still not convinced, mainly because of what he’s done to Doctor Who.

    Case in point, I watched some episodes of Series 4 the other day and I really enjoyed them. I got the same feeling I used to get when I watched Doctor Who and yet, when it comes to Moffat’s era, I feel next to nothing for the show and I do blame him.

    I actually saw Jekyll on broadcast and whilst I quite liked it, it was mostly due to James Nesbitt’s great performance as both characters.

    Based on my personal view, backed up by my recent enjoyment of Series 4, that Moffat has changed Doctor Who in such a way that it’s ruined it for me, I can’t back him getting this award.

    To do so would be to validate what he’s done and to back an award, which will likely only add to, in my opinion, his arrogance and sense of superiority.

  7. TWWL
    May 20th, 2012 at 10.09pm | #7

    Well, I’m sure he’ll get over your disaproval of him! Heh :)

  8. JC
    May 20th, 2012 at 10.33pm | #8

    Yeah, part of my point TWWL, I’m sure he does have the same attitude.

    After all, what do the opinions of the fans matter?

  9. JC
    May 20th, 2012 at 11.45pm | #9

    Once again though, I want to be fair and say that if he does deserve it for his other work and even if some people believe what he’s done on Doctor Who is worth it, then it’s worth saying congratulations for that.

  10. TWWL
    May 21st, 2012 at 9.36am | #10

    I’m sure he cares what fans think, he’s a fan himself; but at the same time you don’t just do what you think a small group of hardcore fans want, you have to do what you think is right yourself for the show. Big picture. I think the idea that he’s this arrogant tyrant is very wrong; some people just don’t like his style of Who, that’s all.

  11. JC
    May 21st, 2012 at 3.24pm | #11

    Well, I wouldn’t call myself a hardcore fan, especially these days, but perhaps my opinion of him is one no one else shares, which is fair enough, and I’m sorry I’ve turned this comment box negative for what’s supposed to be a good thing, which is why I did offer some congratulations.

    The funny thing is, as a Doctor Who fan, I want to like him and his team like I liked RTD and Julie Gardner.

    One of the things I liked best about the RTD era was the fun, positive and warm relationship between RTD, Julie Gardner, David Tennant and the rest of the cast. I watched the special features and saw them laughing and joking, you could see they loved what they did, but also took it seriously.

    I know Matt, Karen and Arthur have a laugh, but I don’t know. Things just feel a lot colder now, I’m not sure who his Exec Producer is, Doctor Who: Confidential is gone and the Special Features on the DVD Boxset are a little clinical.

    Having said that, there was a glimmer of the way things used to be when Moffat said that Karen and Arthur going was like someone leaving home, because they’ve worked so closely for so long.

    I suppose he just makes it very difficult. Making Amy a kissogram and dressing her up in a police woman’s outfit, whilst adding she also wore nurse and nun outfits. The teletubby daleks proclaiming they’re superior to the RTD Daleks that fought the Last Great Time War, on which design the “God” Emporer Dalek himself was based and those particular Daleks coming from the DNA of Davros. Amy sexually attacking the Doctor for no reason in Season 5, Victory of The Daleks in general and suggesting that he could answer the question of “Doctor Who?” after 50 years, even if he eventually doesn’t.

    When I say I want to like him, his crew, cast and era on Doctor Who, I mean that……….but frustrating isn’t the word.

  12. Steve
    May 24th, 2012 at 7.59am | #12

    After SM comment about Doctor Who viewers who complained how complicated his Doctor Who has become, he does not deserve the award, what he deserves is to be sacked! I wonder how he will explain that comment to Matt Smith, who has also said he thinks Doctor Who has become complicated!

  13. TSG
    May 24th, 2012 at 12.55pm | #13

    … I’m feeling a bit sad over here.

    JC, I think you’ve made some clear points and you’ve got a well-substantiated argument. I don’t necessarily agree with all of it, but that’s fine – if we agreed on everything, the world would be a much more boring place. This comment is not aimed at you, okay? :)

    But Steve… I think it’s excessive to say that Steven Moffat should be sacked because of one comment he made, particularly given that you’ve heard that comment third hand and not looked up the wording or the context. If you could present a more balanced argument, then I might be more inclined to listen to what you have to say with a more open mind, but at the moment it feels like you’re just ‘bashing’ or ‘flaming’, to borrow some internet parlance.

    I’m sorry if I’m coming across as patronising, or didactic – I just really like Doctor Who, and I really like WhovianNet because we do have high quality discourse here. All I want to do is ensure that we keep that high level of discourse going, rather than descending into flames.

  14. TWWL
    May 24th, 2012 at 1.57pm | #14

    Of course Moffat should not be sacked, the very idea is absurd. But I think we all know what to expect from a Steve post! :D

  15. JC
    May 24th, 2012 at 2.05pm | #15

    We’re good TSG. As you said, the world would be very boring if everyone had the same opinion.

    Having a different opinion or idea about something obviously doesn’t have to be malicious, I like how balanced your opinion is and how you respect other opinions, even if you don’t agree with them.

    We’re all Doctor Who fans here and we all have different opinions that range in strength, sometimes on opposite sides and conversation can intensify.

    I think if there’s any sign of flaming or bashing from ANY of the regulars here, including myself, it’s more accidental than intentional as a result of conversation about things people feel strongly about.

    It’s something I try and watch in myself, hence my apology and congratulations in an earlier post, despite my personal feelings about Steven Moffat.

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