Steven on scheduling, Ponds and new companion

May 19th, 2012
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Steven Moffat has spoken to Digital Spy about all of the hot topics in the Doctor Who world at the moment.

In March, it was confirmed that 6 episodes of Series 7 will be broadcast this year, and Steven has explained that this decision was made to keep the show fresh and “shake it up”. “You have got to keep people on edge and wondering when it will come back,” he said. “That is what makes it an event piece, because the more it becomes a perennial, the faster it starts to die. I don’t want that to be the case.”

The interview then moves on to discuss Amy and Rory’s exit in the new series, as the showrunner describes it as “incredibly sad”. He commented: “While the audience are losing people that they see on TV for a few months, Karen and Arthur are walking out of something that they’ve been involved with every day for years. The people that you saw every day and have become absolutely part of your de facto family are gone, never to be in that place again. It isn’t just a professional change, it is also a personal upheaval.”

Of course, the Doctor won’t be alone in the TARDIS for long, because this Christmas he’ll be joined by Jenna-Louise Coleman as his new companion. “I’m excited by it,” Steven teased. “I think we are going to do some fun stuff. But do not expect to learn everything! We’ve got a good story and there’s some proper legitimate surprises in it…”

As for the 50th anniversary, he revealed: “I had a meeting about that earlier this week.”

WATCH the Series 7 trailer for a preview of the Doctor’s Wild West adventure!

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