WATCH: The first Series 7 trailer is released online!

The BBC has unveiled the first trailer for the new series of Doctor Who!
The exciting preview made its debut at the official Doctor Who Convention in Cardiff this weekend, before being released online on Monday.
It comes just over a month after filming for the series began, and primarily features footage from the Wild West themed episode, which was shot on location in Spain.
Check out the preview in the player below, and as always let us know what you think in the comments! Series 7 begins in the autumn, with 6 episodes of it to be aired in 2012.
Above – The first thrilling preview for the new series featuring the Doctor, Amy, Rory and glimpses of their next adventures.
If you’ve something to say about Series 7, head on over to our dedicated discussion!
Does the cyborg character remind anyone of another DC character? Another non original character from Steven Moffat possibly?
The cyborgs looked like the ones from the sarah jane adventures just the style of them and that. the series looks very, very different but exciting as well.
I have to admit to not having watched it yet and I kind of don’t want to.
I didn’t have headphones for a while, so I watched the trailer without sound and I wasn’t impressed, based only on what I saw of the trailer.
It’s what I’ve said before, you can jet around the world, you can name drop America and Spain and wherever else they’re off to, but when it comes down to it, location will never be the be all and end all of the experience.
Especially a load of Western type shots.
True, a great location doesn’t make a great story…but words and musical atmosphere do. I would reserve judgement until you’ve seen it with voices and sound effects–there are some excellent lines in there, and dramatic timing makes the shots more effective.
I agree with Rosalie – you can’t judge it until you’ve heard it as well as seen it. You wouldn’t watch an episode on mute!
I’ll admit I’m a bit biased for this trailer – I saw it at the DWC, and the atmosphere alone was enough to make me love it. But the snowy scenes! They look amazing! And Amy with a gun – very cool. And that eye poking out of the snow… does anyone else think that’s a Dalek?
I may have to watch it tomorrow with the speakers on, can’t quite bring myself to break in the new headphones just yet.
It’s true that sound very much adds to Doctor Who in numerous ways, which is why I said I was judging it only on the visual content of the trailer, which I wasn’t too impressed by purely by the fact it had a Western theme.
When I see Westerns on TV, the channel is switched instantly, but as it’s Doctor Who, I’ll of course be willing to give it a chance, as long as it’s not too Western.
The eye at the end did look like a Dalek eye, but what it was attached to wasn’t a Dalek eye stalk, nor was it fixed in position, so it’s either a damaged Dalek, a new kind of Dalek or just something using left over Dalek parts.
If the clockwork people could make a ship run on human body parts, including human eye security cameras, anything is possible.
Okay, no one is more critical of Moffat’s vision of “Who” than I am. And you know what…I’m excited!
Maybe Matt(Doctor Who) is just the ex-boyfriend that I’ve been without long enough that I’m willing to let the past be the past! All I know was when I saw him and his bow tie (and his side kicks) I just had to laugh and welcome him back!
Happy days are here again! (At least for now….)
Got to admit it – I loved the shots of the Dalek eye from what looks to be an amazing series premiere (might sound a bit stupid, but does Spain really have snowy areas at this time of year? Or at all?) Can’t wait!
Those shots were filmed in a nearby mountain range. :)
the cyborg looking guy looks like doctor who’s version of star treks borg :)
Steven Moffat may actually have written Something good here anyone know when the series may actually start because the waiting is killing me??????
5 episodes will air in the autumn this year, which will be the final episodes for Amy and Rory, then the 6th episode will be this year’s Christmas special, where the new companion will be introduced. The remaining 8 episodes will be shown in early 2013.
@Steve well to me it reminds me of the borg from star trek :)
Oh come on, that isn’t fair, it’s not like DC owns the concept of Cyborgs, even if their cyborg is the best cyborg.
There have been plenty of cyborgs with mechanical eyes and guns for arms throughout history.