Goodbye, hello, and then some! – Discuss Series 7

As you’ll all know, filming for the brand new series of Doctor Who is now underway and, although it won’t actually grace our screens until the autumn, we have already been given plenty to talk about, and here’s where you can do it!
In Series 7, we know that Amy and Rory will be bidding farewell to the TARDIS after “a final encounter with the Weeping Angels”, and the terrifying statues won’t be the only familiar foes making a comeback, as the Daleks will also be making an appearance!
As soon as the Ponds have left the building in Episode 5 (scenes for which will be filmed in New York…), the Doctor will be meeting a new and “very different” friend in this year’s Christmas Special. The new companion will be portrayed by Emmerdale actress Jenna-Louise Coleman, who will lead the Doctor to “his merriest dance yet”. Hm…
i agree i can wait either its a long time coming but in 20 to 25 mins it will begin its a shame theres no more doctor who confidental n e more on bbc3 since they axed it
I know!! It was awesome!! I was soo upset at the start of it with Amy and Rory but I’m glad there back together!! I can’t wait til next episode!! That darlek girl is the new assistant as well!! (Well, that’s who she looks like)!! :D
It was so good, I can’t believe we got to see the new assistant as well. By the way it was shown though it looks like she could be another river song where the doctor will meet her early on and always know how she dies I really hope they do something different with her. I can’t wait for episode 2 and it has rory’s dad in it which will be interesting :D
Hopefully Neil’s Series 7 script ends up being in Series 7. I really don’t think I can wait until 2014 to see it!
This week’s logo looks a bit weird. Hopefully it looks better in the actual title sequence but I really do like the idea of the logo representing the episode each week.
I am still processing and trying to correlate this new season to season 6 and having a bit of difficulty. As I had already heard that this new Dalek/Darla is to be the Doctor’s new companion not that I don’t like the Ponds I do just time to move forward as I think the writers agree. I also enjoy all the alien creatures good and bad. I have been watching since about 78′ and have back tracked it has been a lot of information to remember and take in. I wasn’t thrilled about Matt Smith but like all Whovians the new ones seem to grow on you. I look forward to the coming season as it goes.
Oswin is the AI entertainment subsystem of the Alaska ship’s computer. She considers herself to be human because her personality is modelled on that of a human. When the ship crashed and the crew were lost, she occupied herself hacking into the Dalek systems and planning revenge against them (and playing Carmen, and making virtual soufflés …). When the Doctor arrived, at first she just saw him as an ally in her quest to mess with the Daleks. But when she looked him up in the Dalek database, she saw a way to escape from the Asylum planet and see the galaxy, as she had always wanted to. She uploaded herself to the Dalek main computer in the parliament ship, and wiped their collective memory of the Doctor. She took down the planet’s force shield in order to cover her tracks. She then set about constructing a suitable physical body for herself, one which matched her self-image, and tracking down the Doctor (finding him in Victorian England). The Dalek “Oswin” on the Asylum planet was just a demented Dalek which was manipulated by her and which thought, mistakenly, that it was her.
Thank you mtgradwell a commenter from the Telegraph for making this episode meaning suddenly clearer and now makes sense so there you go folks – Oswin in a nutshell.
There are lots of rumours going round that Rory will turn out to be the Master. Whilst interesting…we know he human now for certain because he has the same DNA as his “dad”; which was essential to fly the Silurian Ship with the Dinosaurs.
Does anyone have any clues how the Pond’s leave?
I have seen all the Tenth and Eleventh Docto’s adventures and series seven isn’t my favourite. I actually cried when Rory and Amy leave. But in true River Song style,
I love season 7. I miss Amy and Rory but I will admit, Clara Oswin is pretty cool. I mean yes I was pretty mad when she kissed him but… She is cool.
what do you do if a weeping angel has 2shadows stare or run
The words “As soon as the Ponds have left the building” ripped my heart out. Such sad, cruel, unknowing irony…
Hi I dont know where to put this as Im new to the site but has anyone considered that Clara is River’s twin. It may seem far fetched but if amy had twins – the silence could erase one from her mind or the drugs they had her on could do it. Also im sure I rem madame K saying one is on its way, bit strange to say that if Amy was only having 1 child. Also Clara could regenerate but keep her form hence why she keeps cropping up. I doubt I am right and maybe someone has said it before, but I havent seen it on other sites I use.
Im hoping that the next set of stories marks a golden age for the Doctor…Steven Moffatts tenure,in my veiw,has been luke warm,missing something from the mixture,so I look forward to these with breath abated!!
Im hoping that the next set of stories marks a golden age for the Doctor…Steven Moffatts tenure,in my veiw,has been luke warm,missing something from the mixture,so I look forward to these with breath abated!!
For me so far the series has been awesome
I’m looking forward to Neil Gaiman’s episodes above all
Moffat says he’s got a trick up his sleeve to stop the Doctor running out of regenerations. I have a feeling the 50th anniversary will be altering the Doctor’s timeline, hence why Tennant and Piper are back, and John Hurt(probable Time War doctor) is appearing. It’ll be like it all didn’t happen…
OMG Tennant is the next Doctor 8-O
Isn’t it ironic that my Kindle Fire auto-corrects Moffat to murderer?