The Eternity Clock countdown – mastering Matt!

May 22nd, 2012

The wait is nearly over, as the brand new Doctor Who game, The Eternity Clock, officially launches tomorrow!

It will be available to download globablly on PSN, followed by a limited retail release in the UK from this Friday (25th May). It will make its way to PS Vita on 13th June.

To get us ready for the adventure, the creators of the game have been teasing us with developer diaries. The first was an intro, while the second was all about the monsters.

In the third and final instalment, released today, we are given an insight into how they used Matt Smith in order to create the authenticity of the TV series. Check it out below…

Are you all set for The Eternity Clock? Let us know your excitement in the comments!

Thanks to BBC Worldwide for sending us the video!

1 comment on this article
  1. Lance
    May 23rd, 2012 at 3.27am | #1

    Awesome! I can’t wait for this. Still no word on the pc release?

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