New rumours surface: Next Doctor to be female?

Bets have been placed on Olivia Colman and Emma Watson to be cast as the Twelfth Doctor amid fresh rumours that the next incarnation will be a female.
Various sources, such as The Sun and the Guardian, have all picked up on the fevered speculation that Matt Smith is to be replaced in the TARDIS by the show’s first female Doctor when he regenerates at Christmas. Sources insist there is no gender restriction on the iconic role and all actors will be considered. “If they’re good enough, it’s theirs,” they said.
Olivia Colman, a guest star in Matt Smith’s first episode The Eleventh Hour, currently leads the female Doctor race with 33/1 odds on SkyBet while Emma Watson is at 100/1. Last year the Harry Potter star topped a poll to be the most popular fantasy companion.
Above – Bets are currently on Emma Watson to be revealed as the first female Doctor.
Should the Twelfth Doctor make history and be the first female? Have your say below…
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No, sorry it shouldn’t happen. The Doctor is a man and it would be so difficult to see him as the same man (?) if he were to be played by a woman. I don’t think it will ever happen personally but I don’t think it could ever work.
Big Finish have already done a Female Doctor story. I don’t, in principal, see an issue but it would need to be someone who can carry the role. I just fear that the BBC will cave to the recent Racism pressure and cast a Black or Asian just to shut the critics up! This role should only go to the person that can play the role and win over the fans.
Weirdly enough, I could see a female Doctor working. Not in the long term, but one incarnation that would revert to male again in the next.
I think a woman could act like the Doctor enough to convince us he was still in there and it could be quite amusing to both see his initial reaction and later the novelty of that incarnation.
Having said that though, I think the majority of us would prefer that he stay the same gender and ethnicity.
Like with James Bond and James T. Kirk, who have been white men because that was always who they were, why do you need to fix something that really isn’t broken except to comply with an often warped view of Poltical Correctness?
Taken to the very core of the subject, if Political Correctness eventually means the BBC decide the 12th Doctor must change his gender/ethnicity, does that mean they think I should too?
NO NO NO NO NO! I dont mean to be sexist, but the idea of a female Doctor shakes my blood. Female Doctor’s should only be reserved for parody’s. I’ve even asked my female freinds what they think and they say it’s a terrible idea.
And Emma Watson as the Doctor… what next? Simon Cowell for Prime Minister!?
I agree with joshrr
I don’t mean to be sexist eieither
But I can’t picture a female doctor
plus like Steve said
a female doctor was done in a parody and a big finish episode
And not to split hairs Lenny henry potrayed the doctor in a spoof too!
I’m sure that there are loads of brillant actress’s who could do it.
Please cast the next doctor on the strength of
1) Acting ability
2) A certain magic quality that got Smith cast and et all previovs incarations havebefore
but please don’t just cast someone for Political correctness
if the story is done the right way then yes it could be fun but i’m afraid the nolety could go in the end!
personally i would find a unknown or well-ish known actor
who is brillint and
I wish people would have watched that show Blandings on bbc 1 earlier last year for that jack Farthing who played freddie, i would’ve liked him to be the 12th dr
I don’t how well known he is
he was very quirky and odd and quite asbent-minded but there times that he showed intelligene, plus he has a odd face
I could picture him in a john pertwee get up with a ascot tie racing around the universe
but may-be that will never happen and the papers will read
Helen Mirren will be the twelth doctor who! and the bbc will confirm it.
but who knows
No. Nope. No. God no.
Subconsciously, the first two things you notice about a person are gender and skin colour. The Doctor should always be the same person at his core, and that’s best portrayed by keeping the template of a white British man.
Besides which, in media portrayals of body-changing people, gender is mental.
But I have a feeling that
Moffat has pulled a fast one on us and
John hurt is the dr afterall
I can’t help thinking of the line in Name of The Doctor
in wich the Great Intelligence says
“In the end it was too much for the poor old man!”
It would be nice to have Hurt to give a more flawed incartion for he is a good actor.
or my dad thinks that jeanna louise coleman will turn out to be the next doctor!
like matt smith did
eventhough he was young as people said (although people said Davidson was too youn at 29 but he was a good doctor)
it was something about smith
yes some people said he was wrong for the role
but he was so right
i agree with you as well
they should not give in to these people
I heard two experts on radio 4
talking about a female doctor in which they said it should happen
I hope if moffat caves in to these so called experts that it could be the worst thing in the show history
and the bbc will have to get rid of incartion quick
which will mean a waste of time, money and a incaration
plus if they go down that route they will be discrimminging
agasinst actors who are right for the role in favor of pc
but it is what worrys me afterall
the same thing happened on midsummer murders
sorry about my rant but it makes my blood boil
I just hope at the right moment that the right actor will come in a blow them away just before they cast a woman Doctor
Plus I thought some of the compains of doctor who were good role models for girls the prime exampole would be river song and Sarah Jane smith
It will never be a woman!!! Even Moffat, who has a tendency to change things as he goes along, must know there are certain things that shouldn’t change and this is one of them.
You don’t change the doctor’s sex (apart from maybe one episode, just for a thrill), the TARDIS shouldn’t change, the music or the daleks!!
I wish the press would stop picking up on this whole ‘doctor could be a woman’ caper!
mispret i hope it does not become the worst decsicion of doctor who
and plese cast a either young or oldish slightly unknown actor
on a personal taste i would love the next doctor to be wacky but maybe this time more kinder and wiser incartation
i still think the doctor must be an alien
Lest we forget, we have had a female “Doctor” of sorts. The Sarah Jane Adventures. The series was similar in concept to the 3rd Dr. being trapped on Earth. She fought aliens and had wacky adventures. She even had her own sonic lipstick, as sexist as that was. That is not to say I advocate a female Doctor. Men have so few quality role models, why take this one from us. He allows those of us that are not footballers to believe we can be dashing and clever, have a dynamic place in the universe and travel with a bright and attractive companion. He lets the nerd be cool. Women’s role models are popping up in every quarter, leave the men their few remaining icons.
I largely agree with you actually.
Plus you could count Iris wildtyhme
I think Tilda Swinton should get the part. She’s female and a ginger! :)