Experience Doctor Who in a new way on GoPopTV

We are very excited to announce that we have joined forces with gopop.tv to bring you a revolutionary new way to join the Doctor on his adventures.
We know first hand how much Doctor Who fans like to share in the experience of following the ongoing escapades of our beloved Time Lord and our discussions, debates and general musings is a huge part of what makes our community such a great place to be. Now our pals at GO POP TV are taking this one step further, and they need your help to do it!
In a nutshell, GO POP TV is an innovative new platform which looks set to transform the way fans respond to their favourite TV show by using an elegant and dynamic service to connect them with a community of equally passionate viewers. GoPop.TV will allow you to enjoy TV on your own terms as the community comes to life before your very eyes…
The GO POP TV team are currently working their little socks off to put together the most engaging TV and online video companion ever released and it would be fantastic if you’d take a few short moments to participate in their survey so they can make the service as relevant and enjoyable as possible. As a bonus, by doing so you could win an AWESOME prize – your very own complete set of the Monster Collection novels. Not too shabby!
WhovianNet thrives to be at the forefront of Doctor Who discussion on the internet so we are really excited about the services that GO POP TV plan to offer. We believe that it will be a valuable platform for fans to converse about all things Who and so your feedback is extremely important in ensuring it reaches its full potential. Click on the banner below to find out more then please share the link with your friends to get the word out. Plus, don’t forget that if you participate before 6pm BST on 30th April 2014, you will be entered into the draw to win the Monster Collection books (open worldwide and one entry per email)!
Bloody social media, taking over everything.