New Doctor Who boxset on BitTorrent

April 3rd, 2015

The BBC has teamed up with BitTorrent to celebrate 10 years of Doctor Who’s revived series, it has been announced.

To mark a decade since the show’s televisual return, a special ten story boxset has been officially released via the content distribution service as part of a new forward-thinking plan to make the Doctor’s modern adventures more readily available to a larger audience around the globe.

The package also includes exclusive video content with Peter Capaldi, including highlights of last year’s World Tour.

It’s available now to stream/download for $12, and its specially selected highlights include:

- Series 1: Rose
- Series 1: The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances
- Series 2: The Girl in the Fireplace
- Series 3: Blink
- Series 4 Special: The End of Time (Parts 1 & 2)
- Series 5: The Vampires of Venice
- Series 6: The Doctor’s Wife
- Series 7: The Rings of Akhaten
- 50th Anniversary special: The Day of the Doctor
- Series 8: Listen readers recently voted Series 4 as the greatest NuWho series to date.

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