Series 4 named best NuWho series

March 26th, 2015

WhovianNet readers have named Series 4 as the greatest series of NuWho to date!

Last month we opened a poll to determine the best series of the last decade to coincide with the 10th anniversary of the revived series. And oh, what a decade it has been!

The first episode, Rose, aired exactly 10 years ago today, on Saturday 26th March 2005, and everybody’s favourite Time Lord has been running ever since. It’s been the trip of the lifetime and we wouldn’t have missed it for the world.

2008 was a momentous year for the show. The fourth series welcomed back Donna Noble as the Tenth Doctor’s full time travelling companion and together they faced the likes of the Sontarans, the Vespiform and the Vashta Nerada. This series also introduced River Song as well as Jenny, the Doctor’s daughter, and it all culminated in one of the most epic stories in the show’s history when the Doctor’s allies joined forces to conquer Davros and the Daleks.

It’s fitting, then, that you’ve named it the best series of NuWho to date, with a landslide 32% of the final vote. In at second place was Series 2 with 16%, followed by Series 8 in third place with 15%. A huge thank you to everybody who voted. Are you pleased with the results? Have your say below and join us we wish NuWho a very happy 10th anniversary!

2 comments on this article
  1. Kurizu
    March 26th, 2015 at 8.11pm | #1

    I FREAKING loved Donna! Great actress, great character, good dynamic with Tennant. Some fantastic episodes. I can see why a lot of people love it.

  2. Patrick
    March 27th, 2015 at 12.31pm | #2

    series 5 should have been in that top 3

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