Archive for ‘Series 9’
It’s Fan Art Friday and this week we’re remembering everybody’s favourite impossible girl with this awesome sketch sent in by @mooneyWallet.
Clara Oswald bowed out in the finale of Series 9 but the end was only just the beginning of her universal adventures. We wonder what she’s up to now…?

Email us your fan art to [email protected] or send it via Twitter to be featured.
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With Steven Moffat’s final full series as showrunner now just under a month away, we’re going back to where it all began (for him, at least) as we embark on a mission to discover his best series opener to date.
It only feels like yesterday that the Eleventh Doctor was crash landing in Amelia Pond’s garden, but The Eleventh Hour – Steven’s first episode at the show’s helm – will mark its 7th anniversary next month. The episode kick started a whole new era, and it’s safe to say that the Moff’s series premieres have been getting bigger and better ever since.
Where do you even start when it comes to Steven’s series openers? Over the years they’ve taken us to the shores of Lake Silencio in Utah (thus beginning one of the most mind-bending story arcs in Who history), Victorian London and even inside the Asylum of the Daleks itself. Say what you like about Moffat, but he definitely knows how to kick off a new series with a bang, and he is about to do it one more time when the Doctor returns to our screens on 15th April in The Pilot, with his next companion, Bill Potts, in tow. Get in!
Before that, though, let’s get nostalgic as we take a fond look back at his past premieres. Which has been your favourite? Let us know by voting in the poll below (and for the sake of continuity, we’ve included the mid-series premieres too!) and explain your choice in the comments. The results will be revealed ahead of the premiere of Series 10, so get voting…
Sorry, but this poll is now closed.
The Doctor is BACK on 15th April – check out the BRAND NEW, full-length trailer…
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Jenna Coleman has dismissed ongoing rumours that she’ll be returning to Doctor Who as Clara Oswald in Series 10.
The actress, who bowed out as the impossible girl at the end of the last series, told Collider that no comeback is planned – “at least for a good while” – and affirmed that she “couldn’t have asked” for a better exit storyline. “Steve planned it for so long, and I think he did a great job,” she said. “It had been been in the works for a while, from Face the Raven to the epic finale of twists and turns, so you don’t want to unpick that it any way, really.”
She continued: “So for the foreseeable, I think Clara will remain broken down somewhere in time and space, trying to understand how to work the TARDIS with Ashildr! It’s been an incredible three series. It was such a unique time in my life and it has been truly amazing.”
Jenna will be back on our screens this autumn as Victoria in ITV’s ambitious 8-part drama.
Doctor Who and Peter Capadi have both made this year’s TV Choice Awards shortlist so it’s time for Whovians to unite to ensure that the best show in the galaxy takes home a double-whammy of trophies on the night!
Firstly, the series itself is up for Best Family Drama, which it last won back in 2013, while the Twelfth Doctor himself is in the running for Best Actor. They are both up against strong competition but if any fandom can work together to get their hero to victory, it’s ours. Voting will close at midnight this Friday, 8th July. You know what to do.
A Doctor Who script personally signed by Peter Capaldi is currently up for auction.
The script – the second draft of Series 9’s premiere episode The Magician’s Apprentice – was donated by the Twelfth Doctor to Lively Minds‘ annual fundraiser week and comes complete with his very own drawing of Davros, which is worth the money in itself! All funds raised will go towards supporting childhood education and female empowerment in rural Ghana and Uganda. Thanks to Laura for the tip!
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Peter Capaldi dropped an intriguing teaser during a Doctor Who panel at Awesome Con earlier this week.
Discussing Clara Oswald’s exit at the end of Series 9, the Twelfth Doctor actor inadvertently revealed that he has just filmed a scene in which his former companion is still present, prompting inevitable speculation that Jenna Coleman will be back in Series 10.
However, filming on the next series hasn’t even started yet, which suggests that Peter was actually referring to Class.
The new Doctor Who spin off is currently being filmed with persistent rumours that the Doctor himself will be making a cameo. Set at Coal Hill School, where Clara was a teacher, a reference to the impossible girl would be fitting, however we’ll just have to wait and see what comes of Peter’s cryptic comments as it’s not due to hit our screens until the autumn.
Get to Class! Read all the latest developments about Doctor Who’s new spin off…
Visitors to the Doctor Who Experience will be able to enjoy a range of special half term activities this week.
As well as enjoying the newly revealed exhibits, including Pearl Mackie’s costume from her televisual debut as Bill and the graffitied TARDIS memorial featuring beautifully detailed floral street art of Clara Oswald, attendees will also be able to participate in specially organised workshops. Special effects expert Mike Tucker will be discussing the restoration of Davros, while Millennium FX will be on hand to part-transform visitors into shape-shifting Zygons.
Let us know if you will be attending the Doctor Who Experience this half term (disclaimer: coming in cosplay is preferred!), and check out the schedule for the week’s events here.

Thanks to BBC Worldwide.
Christmas has come early for Doctor Who fans who have been waiting to get their hands on the Twelfth Doctor’s brand new Sonic Screwdriver.
The latest incarnation of the Time Lord’s iconic device was introduced in the closing moments of Series 9’s finale, Hell Bent, last year, with fans subsequently campaigning for the release of a toy replica to add to their collections. Character Options has today revealed that their wishes will come true this summer with the release of this faithful recreation which features four light modes with accompanying sound effects.

The Twelfth Doctor’s new Sonic Screwdriver will be released this summer, priced at £14.99, and can be pre-ordered now from Doctor Who merchandise retailers.
Browse the latest Doctor Who products on sale now in our merchandise section…
Thanks to Evolution-PR.
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One of last year’s Doctor Who episodes, Heaven Sent, has been shortlisted for a prestigious Hugo Award, it has been announced.
Helmed by Rachel Talalay, the story was universally acclaimed for its innovative script and direction, with this nomination reaffirming its status as one of the best episodes in the show’s history. It’s up for the Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form alongside episodes of Grimm, Jessica Jones, My Little Pony and Supernatural. The results will be revealed at MidAmeriCon II in Kansas City on 20th August 2016.
Previous Hugo wins for Doctor Who include The Waters of Mars and The Doctor’s Wife.
Michelle Gomez has been nominated for a BAFTA TV award for her praised portrayal of Missy in Doctor Who.
The actress was introduced as the first ever incarnation of the Master in Series 8 before returning with a vengeance in last year’s Series 9 premiere, The Magician’s Apprentice and The Witch’s Familiar. Her performance as the renegade Time Lady has been recognised by BAFTA in this year’s Supporting Actress category, in which she faces competition from Eleanor Worthington-Cox (The Enfield Haunting), Chanel Cresswell (This is England ‘90) and Lesley Manville (River).
We’d like to wish Michelle the best of luck! The results will be revealed when the ceremony is broadcast live from the Royal Albert Hall on Saturday 8th May 2016 on BBC One. It’s recently been teased by Steven Moffat that Missy will be back for more fun in Series 10.