Class – where did it all go so wrong?

It’s safe to say that the response to Class was far from overwhelming, so much so that Patrick Ness himself has decided to cut ties after just one series…
With Series 2 already in doubt even before its creator’s departure, it looks like any plans of a return to Coal Hill Academy have now been eternally banished to the realms of forlorn fantasy. But where did it all go so wrong for the latest Doctor Who spin off, which initially landed with so much promise and potential? And how do you feel now that it’s over before it had truly begun?
Our Discussion is now open for you to share all your thoughts and reactions to the latest developments. Do you think the right decision has been made, or were you hoping to see more from Charlie and the gang? We’re basically asking, did you enjoy Class? And if not, what about it failed to leave a lasting impression? Let us know in the comments below…
Seriously? What a dumb question…..
I think this is another “Miracle Day!” Most of us would like to wish it never happened. Why?
1) Perhaps the first fail was “Class” took some of the most unlikable characters and stuck them all in the same show. Not one of these characters made you want to care about them. Shallow, self involved, self-centered…and…well it went downhill from there.
2) Adult themes played by adults and yet we’re supposed to believe that we’re watching children? (There was more sex in Torchwood and it took a bit of getting used to but at least it was gradual.)
3) The writing was worse than the acting. Forced plot developments and no real theme and aliens so boring that the majority of the episodes should be offered as sleep aids!
Sadly I could go on but perhaps I’ll just go watch an old episode of SJA and allow it to remind me what “Class” should have been but fell so short of.
The terrible writing. The stupid name (how am I supposed to interact with it online if the search-term is so vague?). The terrible writing. The bad marketing. The awful writing. The way it was written. The writing. The bad, bad, bad, smelly, stinky writing. The writing. Oh god the writing.