Reece Shearsmith to guest star in Series 9

Reece Shearsmith has been announced as the latest guest star who will be appearing in Series 9.
The award winning writer, actor and comedian will be sharing the screen with Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman in a “special episode” which has been written by Mark Gatiss. Most famous for his work on The League Of Gentlemen, Doctor Who fans will recognise him for his portrayal of Second Doctor Patrick Troughton in the 2013 drama An Adventure in Space and Time. Details regarding his latest role are scarce, although he’s described it as “a badge of honour”.
“Mark Gatiss has written a fantastic role for me in a very scary episode,” he added. “It is so exciting to be part of a very singular episode – which I can say with authority, will be unlike any previous episode of Doctor Who you’ve seen! It’s just a joy to play a part in the show.”
Mark Gatiss continued: “I’m delighted to be writing for Peter and Jenna once again and so excited about this particular story. It’s been brewing in the dark recesses of my mind for a while! I’m also chuffed to finally welcome Reece. He has been badgering me for ten years!”
Are you excited to see Reece in Series 9? What sort of character do you think he’ll be in it?
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