Tenth Doctor, Donna return in new novel

April 11th, 2016
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

Fans of the Tenth Doctor and Donna Noble just cannot get enough at the moment with their long awaited return to the world of Big Finish just around the corner.

Not only that, though, but they’ll also be back in a brand new novel, In the Blood, which will be published next month. Written by Jenny T. Colgan, the original adventure promises to take readers on a madcap journey through the world of social media as one day, all over the world, internet trolls start dying. We’ll bring you more about the book soon, but in the meantime, check out its full synopsis and cover below…

All over the world, people are venting their fury at one another on social media. Dropping their friends, giving vent to their hatred, and everywhere behaving with incredible cruelty. Even Donna has found that her friend Hettie, with her seemingly perfect life and fancy house, has unfriended her. And now, all over the world, internet trolls are dying…

As more and more people give in to this wave of bitterness and aggression, it’s clear this is no simple case of modern living. This is unkindness as a plague.

From the streets of London to the web cafes of South Korea and the deepest darkest forests of Rio, can the Doctor and Donna find the cause of this unhappiness before it’s too late?

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2 comments on this article
  1. JC
    April 12th, 2016 at 11.45am | #1

    Interesting premise and quite topical at the moment. May have to get this one, as I stopped buying Doctor Who books after the main 10th Doctor/Companion books finished.

  2. Freddy Jones
    April 12th, 2016 at 9.24pm | #2

    Internet trolls dying? I like it.

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