John Barrowman denies 50th anniversary return

John Barrowman’s taken to his official Twitter to personally deny rumours that he will be returning to Doctor Who for its 50th anniversary special later this year.
The Captain Jack actor’s never hidden his hopes to reprise his role as part of the historic celebrations saying “it would be a shame” for his character to be excluded. He recently caused a stir confirming he is “discussing things” about his involvement, but with this latest development Jack’s fans seem to been taken all the way back to square one…
And so it seems we may never know the truth… Well, until November arrives, of course!
Share your 50th anniversary hopes and dreams in our dedicated discussion…
No he’s lying! He’s got to be!!!
why cant Moffet bring back the his best creation jack or at least the face bleedin boe he’s not listen to the fans most of them want him back.
Im gonna use a reference here. George Lucas created Boba Fett and later regretted it. He’s been quoted as saying he never saw the fascination his fans had with the character and he grew to despise BF. Could it be SM has the same problem with Jack?