Rate & Discuss: The Girl Who Died

October 17th, 2015
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

Captured by Vikings, the Doctor and Clara must help protect their village from Space Warriors from the future: the Mire. Outnumbered and outgunned, their fate seems inevitable. So why is the Doctor preoccupied with a single Viking girl?

Two fandoms collided tonight as Maisie Williams joined forces with the Doctor and Clara in a valiant Viking escapade with Space Warriors from the future. Because why the hell not?!

In The Girl Who Died, the Game of Thrones star well and truly left her mysterious mark on the Doctor Who universe as the enigmatic Ashildr who wasted no time in challenging our leading Time Lord in an unexpected way. We’ve known that she’d be full of surprises from the get-go, of course, since her character has previously been billed as a “significant role”, but was it worth the wait and did your own theory about her prove to be correct?

Meanwhile, the latest episode introduced us to a brand new and terrifying monster, in the form of the murderous Mire, but is the story itself destined to go down in history? Let us know what you made of Series 9’s latest offering by voting, rating and commenting below.

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NOTE: This discussion will NOT be spoiler monitored so please do not read the comments if you haven’t seen The Girl Who Died. You have been warned!

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5 comments on this article
  1. JC
    October 18th, 2015 at 5.12pm | #1

    This episode was better than I expected. History-set episodes aren’t my favourite and since I’m not a fan of Game of Thrones (I’ve never seen an episode), the guest starring of Maisie Williams didn’t mean much to me. At the same time, other fans seemed to be excited about her joining the cast and the character was being hyped too, so I looked forward to the story.

    In the poll, I voted to say that it wasn’t the best episode of Series 9 so far, but nor was it the worst. The suggestion that Ashildr will turn out to be the hybrid that Davros spoke about was interesting with the two warrior races being The Vikings and The Mire. The immortality aspect with something constantly repairing her body throughout time was a little too reminiscent of Jack Harkness for me, only her ability is linked to technology rather than a temporal anomaly.

    The revelation, too, about why the 12th Doctor looks like Caecilius was believable and easy to understand, but a little anti-climactic if the full reason. The 12th Doctor started out wondering why his face seemed so angry, who had frowned that face for him and a throwaway scene in a mid-series episode doesn’t quite seem like it’s right. Yes, it would serve as a reminder to try and save at least one person as he did with Caecilius, but I thought it’d be something much bigger that was finally revealed when Capaldi decided it was time to regenerate.

    I think there was a good portion of the fan base that were happy to see the Sonic Sunglasses broken, but I’m sure they’ll be back. The theme music was back to its nails-on-a-chalkboard configuration this week after the Doctor’s electric guitar improved it last week, but that was to be expected.

    It will be interesting to see what seeming immortality will presumably do to Ashildr to make her the stuff of legend. Jack Harkness became the benevolent Face of Boe, but it seems Ashildr could have a much greater darker path or, if we’re thrown a curveball, a lighter path.

    The episode, overall, was again OK. I wouldn’t mind watching it again, but once again, individual details were seemingly much more important than the episode itself. Those few, important details could have been placed in any episode and set anywhere. Why the Vikings? Why should I remember that episode and want to re-watch it? I think that’s the problem with two parters and the experiments they’re trying this series. Episode 1 is almost always fodder for Episode 2.

    The Girl Who Died was fodder for The Girl Who Lived and possibly beyond. It wasn’t really its own episode. It was only a small part of a bigger whole and that makes it unremarkable. Having said that, the revelations and moments interspersed throughout were enjoyable and I can’t take that away from this episode.

  2. Steve
    October 18th, 2015 at 5.24pm | #2

    So first we had the impossible girl and now we have the immortal girl…. seriously Moffatt – change the record!!

    It was an ok story 6/10. Basically story line. Nice touch referring back to the Fires of P but overall just ok!

  3. Joshrr
    October 18th, 2015 at 7.34pm | #3

    I was afraid it would be a repeat of the robin hood episode but it turned out ok.
    It was more of a comedy episode leaving seeds for the next episode but it did have some worthwhile moments, especially when the Doctor questions himself. And the humour was a lot better than the face palming humour in the robin hood one
    Ashildr was a nice character although I wasn’t as excited as everyone else to see her as I’m not a game of thrones fan. I thought it was a nice touch for the doctors actions to leave her immortal and next week I’m looking forwards to how she will feel about it. I mean sure it’s been done before with Jack but I’m hoping it’ll get real emotional.
    Honestly I can’t be bothered to go into a lot of detail like my past reviews. It was a good episode. That’s all im gonna say.

  4. Patrick
    October 18th, 2015 at 7.56pm | #4

    Don’t forget though the comment that davros made in the opener about a hybrid well this looks to be it

  5. PJ
    May 8th, 2016 at 6.40pm | #5

    This episode was an 8/10 from me, but only for the awesome character moments in the final 10 minutes. I would have probably given The Girl Who Died a 3/10 if it didn’t end as strongly as it did. The humor was predictable and cringe worthy, and the Mire and Odin were some of the worst villains to date. Really a bad first half. When Ashildr died and the episode got serious is when it got good. I loved the directing when Clara gets into the Tardis after being in space, and at the end when Ashildr is a Hybrid. 8/10 for the seriousness at the end

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