Matt Lucas returns for Series 10

June 14th, 2016
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

Matt Lucas will be returning to Doctor Who next year, it has been confirmed.

The actor – who was introduced as Nardole in last year’s Christmas Special, The Husbands of River Song – will be reprising his role as the “bumbling duffel-coated” in the first episode of Series 10, which begins filming next week. While the exact details regarding his comeback haven’t been revealed, the character will be taking on a more permanent role in the show as he joins Peter Capaldi in the TARDIS alongside new companion Pearl Mackie.

As expected, the Series 10 premiere is written by outgoing showrunner Steven Moffat, with Lawrence Gough in line to direct. The second episode, meanwhile, has been penned by Frank Cottrell-Boyce (In The Forest of the Night), with Sarah Dollard (Face the Raven) and Mike Bartlett (Doctor Foster) also contributing scripts.

What do you think of these latest developments? Are you excited to see Nardole again?

New adventures. New companion. Same Doctor! Read the latest Series 10 news…

2 comments on this article
  1. Steve
    June 15th, 2016 at 7.03pm | #1

    Well this only goes to show how appalling bad Steven Moffat really is. Perhaps Moffat is to frightened by his own words and decided Pearl Mackie is not good enough.
    He should have gone years ago, in fact he should never have been given the job! He is a wreaking ball worse the JNT!!

  2. Freddy Jones
    June 16th, 2016 at 6.08pm | #2

    Why the hell did they bring back Frank Cottrell-Boyce? He’s the worst Doctor Who writer since Pip and Jane Baker. In The Forest of the Night was terrible.
    And what can Nardole possibly contribute? He was a bit of an idiot, and Bill is an absolute idiot. That is not a balanced dynamic at all.

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