Russell: “There are good times ahead”

April 5th, 2009

tardisRussell T Davies has spoken about what went through his mind when he finished his last ever Doctor Who script – the Tenth Doctor’s regeneration story.

Davies has been the executive producer of the show since it returned to our screens in 2005, and whether you agree or disagree with the decisions he’s made for the programme, it’s safe to say that it wouldn’t be where it is today if it wasn’t for his imagination and gripping story-telling. 

“I would have thought that when I handed in the last script I might have burst into tears or got drunk or partied with 20 naked men,” he told Scotland on Sunday. ”When these great moments happen you find that real life just carries on. The emotion goes into the scripts.”

He added: “That’s why I do the job. I find the emotional scenes emotional, the exciting scenes exciting. I laugh at the funny stuff and cry at the sad stuff. If you had a camera on me, sitting here at this computer, it would be like Diary Of A Nutter. They could show it on BBC3.”

He also spoke briefly about Series 5, which goes into production in a few months: “The church bells ring when Steven hands in just one of his scripts, so I think a whole series is going to be glorious.

“We agree on so many other things, but he’s not going to come in and copy me. I have read his first episode and it’s phenomenal. There are such good times ahead.”

2 comments on this article
  1. Lee
    April 5th, 2009 at 11.43am | #1

    Does anyone think there might be a series 5 coming soon trailer at the end of the last special?

  2. TSG
    April 5th, 2009 at 8.29pm | #2

    I’m a writer (amateur, of course!!!) and it is amazing how you get into your own writing at times. I’ve ending up crying tears of rage before!! And my family/friends would say I’m a really unemotional person…

    Anyway, no one’s interested in that, so in answer to Lee, I truly hope so. That would be brilliant. It would also be a sensible thing to do- RTD fanatics need to be given bait to keep watching. I really want to see what the regeneration will be like, and how Matt Smith’s Doctor will be portrayed.

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