Entries from October 2009
October 31st, 2009

pumpkinHappy Halloween from all at WhovianNet! We hope you have a great day and enjoy whatever it is you’re doing to celebrate the season!

If any of you are having a Doctor Who themed party or dressing up as a character/alien/police box from the show, we want to hear your messages so feel free to leave a comment on this article!

And we’re also pleased to reveal the results of our Who’loween Spooktacular mission – thanks to everybody who took part in it, and you can check out the winner and runners-up by clicking here!

October 31st, 2009

sja-wedding-doctor-radiotimesOvernight ratings have now been released for this week’s epic Sarah Jane adventure, The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith.

The Tenth Doctor’s long-awaited return in the first instalment, which aired on Thursday, pulled in an unofficial audience of 1.3million, which is a huge 10.9% share of the total television audience. Meanwhile, yesterday’s conclusion was watched by 1.1million, a slightly lower, but still higher than average, 9.6% audience share!

Finally, the BARB ratings have now been published for Prisoner of the Judoon, which aired earlier this month. The Series 3 opener was watched by official audiences of 0.73million, for part one, and 0.82million, for part two!

The third series of The Sarah Jane Adventures continues next Thursday and Friday at 4.35PM on BBC1 and BBC HD with The Eternity Trap. Check out our Sarah Jane mini-site which has been updated with quotes, ratings and other tidits for every episode of Series 3 so far!

October 30th, 2009

matt-karen-tennant-suit-octoberAlthough Doctor Who fans across the land are preparing themselves for the next Doctor Who special, The Waters of Mars, the new production team are hard at work as filming for Series 5 continues in and around Cardiff.

And Steven Moffat promises that when the show returns to its 13-week run next year, there’ll be plenty of great stories, joyous moments and good old-fashioned Doctor Who heartbreak on the menu!

Speaking at the 2009 Screenwriters’ Festival in Cheltenham earlier today, Moffat went on to confirm that, as head writer, he’s penning 6 episodes of the new series, and he’s currently facing his biggest challenge so far in writing the series finale.

He also described Eleventh Doctor actor Matt Smith as “someone you can’t take your eyes off” (in a good way!), and even hailed him as the best incarnation of the Time Lord yet!

The fifth series of Doctor Who is due to air on BBC One and BBC HD from Spring 2010.

October 30th, 2009

the-waters-of-mars-octoberFollowing on from the announcement of the UK transmission date for the next Doctor Who special, The Waters of Mars, BBC America have confirmed that they’ll be airing the episode on Saturday December 19th at 9:00PM ET/PT.

Meanwhile, the Tenth Doctor’s remaining two specials, his regeneration two-parter, will air on the channel over the holiday season, although exact details are still to be finalised.

The Waters of Mars, the Christmas specials, and a complete specials boxset will be available to buy across the pond on DVD and Blu-ray from Tuesday February 2nd 2010. Stick with us!

October 30th, 2009

david-press-womIt’s been a busy old day for Doctor Who fans! After months of next to no news, fandom has been inundated throughout the course of the morning and afternoon with lots of information and teasers regarding the next Doctor Who special, The Waters of Mars!

Not only were we told the transmission date (which is Sunday 15th November, if you didn’t know already), but the long-awaited episode also recieved its press screening in London – and its reviews are oh so good!

You can check out two of them over at SFX and The Telegraph. Meanwhile, DigitalSpy have posted up 10 teasers, and there’s a great interview with Tenth Doctor actor David Tennant and outgoing showrunner Russell T Davies over at the BBC News site, here - watch out for spoilers in all!

Finally, the official website has been updated with a brand new homepage and some fresh content to mark this joyous day!

The Waters of Mars will have its official debut on BBC1 and BBC HD on Sunday 15th November at 7:00PM. Keep up to date with all the latest news & previews with WhovianNet!

October 30th, 2009

wedding-sja-2The concluding instalment of this week’s Sarah Jane double bill bonanza has just finished airing on BBC1 and BBC HD, which means that it’s time for us to bid farewell to the Tenth Doctor following his short but sweet visit to Bannerman Road.

Fear not, though, because we’ve still got 3-and-a-bit more hours of our beloved Time Lord to enjoy, and he’ll be back in November 15th in the next Doctor Who special, The Waters of Mars!

So, what did you make of part two of The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith? Feel free to leave your thoughts as a comment on this post, but, if you haven’t seen it yet, watch out for those pesky little spoilers!

Series 3 of The Sarah Jane Adventures continues next Thursday and Friday with The Eternity Trap at 4:35PM on BBC1 and BBC HD.

October 30th, 2009

wom-promoThe transmission date for the next long-awaited Doctor Who special, The Waters of Mars, has finally been confirmed! 

Actor David Tennant announced during his GMTV interview this morning that the episode will have its official debut on BBC One and BBC HD on Sunday 15th November at 7:00PM!

It’s thought that the next instalment of the Tenth Doctor’s final chapters, which will see the Time Lord arriving on Bowie Base One on Mars in the year 2059, has been pushed back to Sunday to avoid a ratings clash with the X Factor over on ITV1.

And the press screening for the episode, which guest-stars Lindsay Duncan as Adelaide, the Doctor’s ‘cleverest and most strong-minded companion yet’, is due to take place later today in London!

So, without much further ado, let the countdown commence! A big thanks to everybody who let us know!

October 29th, 2009

doctor-adelaide-gun-torchAhead of tomorrow’s press launch, DigitalSpy have released a wave of brand spanking new stills from the next Doctor Who special, The Waters of Mars, which is due to air mid-November on BBC1 and BBC HD!

The images depict the Flood in various stages of, erm… ‘wetness’, and there’s also some great action shots of the Doctor and his new companion, Adelaide, doing what the Doctor and his companion do best!

And as we edge ever closer to the big day, expect lots of new information and teasers to trickle out over the coming weeks…

October 29th, 2009

the_waters_of_mars_trailer_comic_conWith the episode now locked and ready for transmission, the official advanced press screening for the upcoming Doctor Who special, The Waters of Mars, is due to take place in London tomorrow (Friday)!

BBC News Entertainment Correspondent Lizo Mzimba is one of the lucky select few who have been invited to attend the event, which will also include a question and answer session with the cast and crew, including Tenth Doctor actor David Tennant.

And although an airdate for the episode is yet to be confirmed, it’s thought that it will debut on our screens on the evening of Saturday November 14th.

October 29th, 2009

david_tennant_tardisTune in to GMTV on ITV1 tomorrow morning (Friday) because Tenth Doctor actor David Tennant will be popping in to talk about his appearance in The Sarah Jane Adventures.

There’s also bound to be a mention or two of the upcoming Doctor Who special, The Waters of Mars, a new clip of which was shown during this morning’s BBC Breakfast on BBC One.

His interview will take place at some point between 6:00AM to 9:25AM - don’t miss it!

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