Silences, Rivers and Songs – Series 6 discussion

July 27th, 2010
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

It was in The Eleventh Hour we were first told of the mysterious silence, but we’re still no closer to finding out what it is, or, more importantly, what’s behind it…

Steven Moffat has promised us that all of our questions will be answered in Series 6, and we’ve been left with plenty of clues to dissect until it hits our screens! What ominous figure could possibly blow up the TARDIS, and what could be their motives for doing it? We’ve also heard what’s seemingly their voice – does it sound at all familiar?

Could it have anything to do with River Song, who’s identity we’ll also discover next year? In The Big Bang she told the Doctor that everything will change when he finally learns who she is – not the most inviting of prophecies, and we’re sure you’ve all got your own weird and wonderful theories whizzing aimlessly through your Doctor Who obsessed minds. So, it’s about time we gave you somewhere to share them, isn’t it?

Feel free to speculate the remaining nights until Christmas away on this post, a link to which will be posted on the sidebar so you can check back to see what our other visitors make of this ever-growing series arc. People say silence is a virtue, but something tells us things will be far from virtuous for the Doctor when this particular one takes over…

318 comments on this article
  1. Mehh
    April 11th, 2011 at 4.32pm | #1

    She obviously doesnt shoot Nixon , because Nixon died in 1994, i think she shoots the Doctors clone , this clone being the one that is made because it is Rivers wort fear (an evil doctor, or the idea of him turning evil) and the doctor looks so scared in the shot because maybe she shoots the wrong one :)

  2. Mike A
    April 12th, 2011 at 12.27am | #2

    For the idea that Amy becomes River, note that River didn’t recognise Rory in the Pandorica stories. Which is odd if new season is set earlier and River is clearly having an adventure with Rory. So something doesn’t add up.

  3. DoctorWhom
    April 12th, 2011 at 4.35am | #3

    She said she shot a “good man”, it can’t be Nixon.

  4. Ruby
    April 13th, 2011 at 2.12pm | #4

    I definitely think it’s Rory, not Ten on the right of 0:37 in the trailer because the golden light in the background is actually an ORB of light surrounding the regenerating Doctor. This means that the secret about the Doctor involves his past, so Rory and Amy will somehow need to fix it.

  5. Me obviously
    April 13th, 2011 at 11.03pm | #5

    I was wondering, why is it so important to know who River Song is, if she has never appeared before? Does it mean who she is to the Doctor? That really narrows it down. That means that she is someone important to the Doctor, that changes everything when he finds out who. I can’t think of anything so important. I think ALL of the theories here are wrong. They just aren’t epic enough.
    Hmmm… time for the thinking caps!

  6. TimeNeek
    April 14th, 2011 at 3.08am | #6

    This entire season could just be all part of someones will. Apparently the cracks had to come from somewhere, and someone or something had escaped through it. Now River Song knows a lot about the doctor, but something is not right here( of course)but what if the church group from time of angels were working under a high power, higher than all TimeLords, the first. Apparently in the angels episode, they have a ton of references to the one symbol.. Omega, and when he used his will to escape through his prison, he caused the rips in time and space. And who better to have the power to create something with a strong enough will would have to be him, (the big bang) this is my theory

  7. Connor Connaughton
    April 14th, 2011 at 7.52pm | #7

    Amy probably is river because rory could be the best man she new and mabe the reason why amy kills rory is because mabe he turns into an auton again and gos out of control and amy has no choice but to kill him. Wait and see.

  8. Connor Connaughton
    April 14th, 2011 at 7.57pm | #8

    Every body is saying that matt smith is going to leave at the end of series 6 but if he is then who is the 12th doctor.

  9. Jay
    April 14th, 2011 at 10.44pm | #9

    Why-oh-why have the BBC scheduled the series opener for 6pm on Saturday 23rd April? It is ridiculously early, not even peak-time. They did this last year and the ratings fell. They only have themselves to blame if the ratings are disappointing. I know viewers tend to watch on iPlayer these days but that’s not the point: it is the overnight TV ratings that matter to the press. Imagine the headlines if “Doctor Who” were to dip below 5 million… which is very possible at this ridiculous, early time on a spring Saturday evening – it would be even worse if we had hot weather then too. Even fewer viewers…

  10. JC
    April 15th, 2011 at 1.22am | #10

    If River was Amy, I have to admit to being confused. Firstly, River didn’t seem to have pre-knowledge of the whole “Weeping Angel In Amy’s Eyes” and events such as that, but if she was Amy, surely she’d know about that but then again, “spoilers”.

    Secondly, if River was Amy, which species is she?…….if Time Lady, then she’d have to have been “fob watched” for her not to know that, but Amy was also a child, so…..?

    Furthermore, she must have aged at a human rate to be the age she was when the Doctor met her for the second time, it would mean that Amy was somehow given to human parents, without any mention she was adopted. If River was Amy, clearly River is very self aware, she knows who she is but if she was a Time Lady, why wouldn’t the Doctor be able to sense that like he did with the Master?

    I’m not trying to put anyone’s theories down by any means, because I have no idea what we’re about to see, who we’re going to meet and find out about, and what the consequences will be. I’m not convinced myself that River is Amy, but if she turned out to be, fair enough but I’m not convinced right now.

  11. Kiki
    April 15th, 2011 at 1.43am | #11

    I think Amy is the time lady. Remember the master was found as a child with his watch and no memory. I hope she turns out ot be the Rani!

  12. JC
    April 15th, 2011 at 1.58am | #12

    You make a good point, I knew I’d forget something. I remembered the Master was fob watched, but forgot he was a child when he was

  13. Mike A
    April 15th, 2011 at 3.47am | #13

    Crazy prediction. As I believe River is still in the library planet and manipulating events from there, I think Amy and Rory might end up being Donna’s 2 children from the Library story, and it showed River putting them (and Cal) to sleep at the end of the library story.

  14. Mehh
    April 15th, 2011 at 10.13am | #14

    @Connor Connaughton
    Do you even read this websites articles??
    Matt Smith is not leaving until 2013, the rumours of his series 6 departures were rumours from The Sun, he has no plans whatsoever to give up the role

  15. TimeNeek
    April 15th, 2011 at 6.47pm | #15

    I dont understand this Amy being the children of the digital world, i dont think that would happen. Cause that was the end of River and we are going through the past of her but the present of the Doctor. This is an impossible theory in my parts, sorry

  16. TimeNeek
    April 15th, 2011 at 6.49pm | #16

    Actually, now that i think about it, it could be a possible explanation, but how did the doctor get in there! Maybe this season is where he makes the thing that saves River, or could Time be changed

  17. Mike Humphreys
    April 15th, 2011 at 8.33pm | #17

    Can be the first to say…. Enjoy The Silence… about Doctor Who…? All will make sense next Saturday!

  18. Mike A
    April 16th, 2011 at 12.28am | #18

    @ TimeNeek
    My theory is when Doc10 regenerated, this is when TARDIS exploded and blew universe. We still don’t know why exactly TARDIS blew up (I know they say excess energy of regenration did it-but I don’t accept that). Somehow, perhaps all universe was “saved” into some other universe. The cracks are coming from real universe. By closing cracks, they are still trapped in this fake universe. I can’t help be intriged by title of 2nd episode “Day of the Moon” and remember that the Silence in the Library had the “Moon” character, which was software to protect the hardcore computer.I know its far fetch, and I’m probably dead wrong. It’ll be interesting to discover what Moff has planned.

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