Neil Gaiman reveals cut Series 6 script extract

August 21st, 2010
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

Neil Gaiman updated his official blog yesterday to reveal that the read-through of his Series 6 episode will be taking place in Cardiff in “about ten days” time. 

In addition, he has posted an extract from his episode which has been cut out of its final draft, noting: ”Anything that wasn’t moving the plot forward has gone. Chatty background conversations in the TARDIS, gone. Lines of dialogue that were fun in themselves but weren’t really needed? Gone. And the food scene? Very gone indeed.” 

You can read a snippet of the aforementioned ‘food scene’ below. Even though we don’t learn anything about the story, it’s nice to be able to read something that could’ve made it to our screens. The writer explains: “The Doctor has just been given a bowl of something to eat. Something… possibly… alien…”. Well, it is Doctor Who after all…

Is it something people can eat? 

(to Doctor) 

Shouldn’t you scan it with your screwdriver or something? 

Why would I scan food with my screwdriver? 

See if it’s safe? 

The Doctor leans over, dips his finger into his bowl, tastes it. 

Some unusual trace elements, smidge too much background radiation, but, yeah, very yummy. 

Amy is about to try some of his food… he stops her. 

THE DOCTOR (cont’d)
No. Don’t put it in your mouth. 

Not for humans? 

Not for you. Tastes like Marmite on socks.

6 comments on this article
  1. Lee
    August 21st, 2010 at 6.45pm | #1

    Wow, even the cut stuff sounds brilliant! Can’t wait! :D

  2. MerrytheMad
    August 23rd, 2010 at 3.10pm | #2

    I am super excited for this episode and have been since it was first rumored in 2007 (or at least tis the first place I ever saw it). One does wonder how the Doctor knows what marmite on socks tastes like though, after all fish custard…

  3. Dani
    August 24th, 2010 at 8.07pm | #3

    if THAT was cut, then that episode is going to be AMAZING! i CANNOT wait!

  4. TSG
    August 27th, 2010 at 9.14pm | #4

    Marmite on socks. Mm, yummy. Reading that, I can hear Matt Smith’s voice in my head. Which is brilliant.

  5. Owen
    August 30th, 2010 at 11.28am | #5

    The series is split into 2 parts :( I hope there will be a midseries trailer for the second part since they didnt do one for Series Five…

  6. matt smith
    February 1st, 2011 at 6.41pm | #6

    what episode is that from

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