New Doctor Who Cardiff tour to launch next month

March 1st, 2011

Brit Movie Tours have sent us the details of their new Doctor Who bus tour which they’ll be launching next month.

During the 4 hour bus tour, which starts and ends in central Cardiff, fans will journey to many of the locations featured in Doctor Who, Torchwood and The Sarah Jane Adventures. Along the way, attendees will be given an insight into how the show is made, and they’ll also have the opportunity to see some of the locations up close. The tour will run from April through to October – click here for the full details!

“One of the aims of launching a Doctor Who Cardiff Tour in the Welsh capital is to give fans of Doctor Who the chance to see familiar locations from the TV series and also enjoy the many attractions Cardiff has to offer,” said Brit Movie Tours director, Lewis Swan. “With the closure of the exhibition in the Bay area, the location bus tour will be able to give fans of the Doctor a fun experience when they visit Cardiff.”

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