‘Script to Screen’ Doctor Who competition announced

March 29th, 2011

BBC Learning and Doctor Who Confidential have today announced an exciting competition offering young fans the once in a lifetime opportunity to write their very own adventure for the Doctor!

School children aged 9 to 11 have been invited to work together to produce an imaginative 3-minute script starring the Doctor and a brand new human character to test his wits. In addition, the script can include either an Ood, a Judoon, a Cyberman or a Weeping Angel.

The winning team will watch their script come to life in Cardiff, working alongside the cast and crew from the first script meeting, through the filming process and eventually in the final edit. The winning script will be chosen by showrunner Steven Moffat, executive producers Beth Willis and Piers Wenger and the Controller of BBC Learning, Saul Nassé.

“Doctor Who is loved by children across the UK, and I can think of no better programme to inspire the next generation of story tellers,” said Saul Nassé. “The Script to Screen competition is a fantastic way for children to learn new writing skills, whether or not they are winners. We are delighted that the stellar cast and crew of Doctor Who are on board for this journey of learning through time and space.”

Steven Moffat added: “Doctor Who made me want to write. It made me fall in love with script-writing, and led me by the hand to the best job in the world. It also made me want to defend the Earth from aliens but that hasn’t come up so often. I know the power this show has to set young imaginations alight, because I’ve lived it, so I’m excited to be involved in this project. Plus it’s never too early to start looking for your replacement.”

Full entry details, terms and conditions and downloadable resources will be available from the BBC Teachers next month. The closing date for entrees is Monday 13th June.

89 comments on this article
  1. JJ123
    June 14th, 2011 at 8.57pm | #1

    me and my frend got threw to represent our school and hoping to win. It it is so exsiting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Szymon
    June 15th, 2011 at 4.35pm | #2

    me and my freind Aran have been chosen to represent our school and we are hoping ever so much that we will win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. roo
    June 16th, 2011 at 11.22am | #3

    this competition is SOOOOOO UNFAIR on us older dr who fans who are about 16-18 years old im 18 my self and all us older fans have been watching dr who since it came back in 2005 when were between the ages of 9-11 so we know ALOT more on dr who and what to write this competition should of been aged 9-18 years old just to give us older fans a chance

  4. Jess
    June 17th, 2011 at 2.05pm | #4

    I second various people – many older fans (16-18) would love an opportunity like this!

  5. Mill o’ Mains Primary School
    June 27th, 2011 at 9.49pm | #5

    Good luck and hope your script is good, Mine is really scottish, :D Good luck mate

  6. St Stephens Catholic Primary
    June 30th, 2011 at 12.35pm | #6

    HI!!!!!!!!! My school entered cos me and my bestie are good writers we got chosen… and we were the only ones who where told about it… we (well I) found it on the official Doctor Who website… GOOD LUCK EVERY ONE!!!!!!

  7. Jay Hill
    January 10th, 2012 at 7.56pm | #7

    Its so cool my school won it!

  8. Cuffley
    March 9th, 2012 at 7.36pm | #8

    It was so much fun!

  9. dominik
    June 19th, 2012 at 2.58pm | #9

    my friend hussain

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