Doctor Who Countdown – 6 days to go!

April 17th, 2011
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

As the countdown to Series 6 continues, today we’re looking at Episode 2, Day of the Moon, which forms part two of the opening US adventure!

In the story, written by Steven Moffat and directed by Toby Haynes, the Doctor is locked inside the perfect prison while Amy, Rory and River Song are being hunted down across America by the FBI. They are reunited with the help of their new friend, FBI-insider Canton Everett Delaware the Third, played by Mark Sheppard.

The Doctor is locked in the perfect prison. Amy, Rory and River Song are being hunted down across America by the FBI. With the help of new friend and FBI-insider, Canton Everett Delaware the Third, our heroes are reunited to share their discoveries, if not their memories. For the world is occupied by an alien force who control humanity through post-hypnotic suggestion and no one can be trusted. Aided by President Nixon and Neil Armstrong’s foot, the Doctor must mount a revolution to drive out the enemy and rescue the missing little girl. No-one knows why they took her. Or why they have kidnapped Amy Pond…

From the synopsis alone it’s safe to say that the conclusion to the US story will be just as epic as Part 1, but what are your hopes for Episode 2? Got anything to say about the adventure? A full moon blown theory or a half moon hearted thought? Let us know…

Break the Silence in our ongoing Series 6 discussion, Silences, Rivers and Songs

7 comments on this article
  1. Justin
    April 17th, 2011 at 10.53am | #1

    :-( Lucky for people in Britain and America to watch Series 6.
    I can’t because I live in Australia and I have to wait till at least a month to watch it.

  2. Justin
    April 17th, 2011 at 10.53am | #2

    :-( Lucky for people in Britain and America to watch Series 6.
    I can’t because I live in Australia and I have to wait till at least a month to watch it.

  3. Ellen
    April 17th, 2011 at 11.01am | #3

    I feel sorry for you i live in England

  4. TE
    April 17th, 2011 at 11.14am | #4

    But don’t Australia get Episode One next Saturday (30th April)?

  5. Simone
    April 17th, 2011 at 6.37pm | #5

    It isn’t as bad as living in Denmark. We don’t get it at all. I have to buy them online/watch illegally. And wait.
    And all the spoiling when I’m waiting for the DVD’s are just mean :)

  6. The Silence
    April 17th, 2011 at 7.05pm | #6

    Has anybody noticed a variation of the impossible stronaut trailer on bbc2?

  7. Chris Williams
    April 17th, 2011 at 8.15pm | #7

    You’ll not have to wait a month at all in Australia. It’s delayed by just a week, so you’ll watch it on ABC on 30th April.

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