New Series 6 BBC America trailer materialises online…

April 1st, 2011
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

A new trailer for Series 6 premiered on BBC America earlier this week, and an extended version has now been posted on their official YouTube for fans around the world to enjoy!

The preview contains clips first seen in the BBC One full-length trailer, however it also features some intriguing new ones which will add more substance to our ongoing and discussions! Not long now…

View the BBC America trailer below! What do you think?

Series 6 will begin airing in the US on BBC America on Saturday 23rd April at 9pm ET.

Break your silence in our ongoing Series 6 discussion, Silences, Rivers and Songs

21 comments on this article
  1. Rich Higton
    April 1st, 2011 at 6.02pm | #1

    I quite like the new TARDIS Materialisation effect

  2. Last_of_the_timelords
    April 1st, 2011 at 6.35pm | #2

    this trailer isnt as epic but theres some good clips , amys scream creeps me the hell out, this is gonna be a scary series

  3. robert
    April 1st, 2011 at 6.39pm | #3

    It’s just as good though.

    that’s probaly the doctor’s clone opeining the Tardis door, he looks unnatural and plasticy to me.

    I want to know now who is River????

  4. TE
    April 1st, 2011 at 8.15pm | #4

    Skeleton Silents look awesome!

  5. Chris
    April 1st, 2011 at 8.20pm | #5

    I can’t wait much longer after that trailer. WOW!!!

  6. Steve
    April 1st, 2011 at 8.32pm | #6

    Have they given the ending to the first half away? Why is the Doctor saying to Amy “We will find you”??

  7. JC
    April 1st, 2011 at 10.36pm | #7

    I’m hoping the Tardis appearing like that is an unnatural way of landing, because redesigning materialisation after all these years would spoil the show for me, but as we saw in Season 5, River could land the Tardis is a different way to most Time Lords have, so……….

    As for the American trailer, yeah, it’s quite cool and it’s always good to see different pieces of the same puzzle.

  8. e.p
    April 1st, 2011 at 10.57pm | #8

    “Trust me, I’m the Doctor”… That was Tennant’s voice, wasn’t it? (No I don’t think he’s coming back, I just think it’s odd they used a voice clip from a previous series).

    And maybe that’s a sign I’ve watched too much DW, when I can tell which Doctor it is from a 5 second sound byte? Nah…

  9. Ellen
    April 1st, 2011 at 10.59pm | #9

    Does this mean america is seeing it first? :’(

  10. JC
    April 1st, 2011 at 11.04pm | #10

    No, I’m 99% sure that is Matt Smith’s voice saying “Trust me, I’m the Doctor”, I’ve listened to it through my earphones and it’s not the 10th Doctor’s voice

  11. TE
    April 1st, 2011 at 11.44pm | #11

    Yup, it’s definitely Matt.

    @JC, @Rich Higton
    To be honest, I don’t think they’ve redesigned how the TARDIS materialises. I think it’s just the TARDIS coming out of stealth mode, like how the TARDIS vanishes in The End of Time.

  12. TE
    April 1st, 2011 at 11.50pm | #12

    The episode premieres in the UK first before being shown in the US a few hours later ;)

  13. The 13th Doctor
    April 2nd, 2011 at 12.30am | #13

    The part where he says “Trust me, Im the doctor…” is from The Eleventh Hour…. so its not David Tennant

  14. e.p
    April 2nd, 2011 at 2.28am | #14

    @The 13th Doctor
    Aha. Right you are. Good, I’m not watching too much Doctor Who after all ;)

  15. Professor Zed
    April 2nd, 2011 at 5.21am | #15

    Lots of interesting things in there to analyze! Bring on April 23rd!

  16. TWWL
    April 2nd, 2011 at 5.41pm | #16

    It would spoil the show?! The whole show?! Never let it be said that us fans can be over the top! :)

  17. TWWL
    April 2nd, 2011 at 5.43pm | #17

    Looks to me like it is indeed coming out of some sort of stealth mode, as opposed to landing.

  18. TSG
    April 2nd, 2011 at 8.09pm | #18

    Are they leaving Amy behind? Why? ARGH!

    Brilliant trailer. Lots more dialogue than the UK one. And another ‘Hello Sweetie’! :D

  19. JC
    April 2nd, 2011 at 10.51pm | #19

    It’s not so much being over the top, in this case, it was about the identity of the show. The Tardis materialises and dematerialises a certain way, even people who hardly know of Doctor Who know that and to change it would change part of the identity of what Doctor Who is.

    To be honest, Season 5 really tested me as a fan and I could have walked away at points, even and especially as recently as the Comic Relief Specials, so I guess I am slightly over-sensitive to anything Moffat may do to……..tick me off, shall we say.

  20. TWWL
    April 2nd, 2011 at 11.43pm | #20

    They’re not going to actually change it though, there’s no reason to, and a fan, like Moffat is, wouldn’t. If it did ever change, it would tick me off, but off course I wouldn’t stop watching, it’s only one tiny element, as long as the show itself was still good; so I would argue that to actually stop watching if the way The Tardis materialises changed would be very much an overreaction.

    I have noticed you do seem very irked at things that happen in the show, as though Moffat was wrecking the programme, when, really, it’s very much the same show it’s been since it returned. Did you get this way during RTD’s run? Because if things Moffat has done have angered you to the point of considering giving up on the show, I can’t see how you couldn’t have had exactly the same thoughts at points during RTD’s reign. It’s not as though Moffat’s come in and gone crazy with the programme, he actually stayed, in series 5, a lot closer to what RTD had laid down than many hoped/expected he would.

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