Watch the first teaser trail for Torchwood: Miracle Day!

April 2nd, 2011
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

With all the excitement of Series 6, it’s easy to forget that we’ll also be getting a new Torchwood series this year, but this new teaser released by Starz serves as the perfect reminder that Jack and Gwen are on their way!

Although it’s brief and features no actual footage, it’s an effective little promo which helps set us up for the story, which as you’ll know will explore what would happen on Earth if death ceased to exist. A chilling concept made all the more so by ‘Perfect Day’ playing over the top!

US fans can enjoy the teaser on the Starz website, however those elsewhere can view it below. What do you think? As always, share your thoughts in the comments!

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12 comments on this article
  1. TSG
    April 2nd, 2011 at 8.06pm | #1

    Just the little Torchwood beeps at the end made it worthwhile!

  2. Steve
    April 3rd, 2011 at 11.21am | #2

    A bit lame really. Nothing to spark the interest. Typical RTD!

  3. mpirks
    April 3rd, 2011 at 2.00pm | #3

    and just like that the RTD campaign starts again. If SM suddenly had a teaser that had a an exploding earth it would praised all the way and called genius

  4. TWWL
    April 3rd, 2011 at 2.43pm | #4


    I don’t think that’s true at all.

    Both men have done good work.

  5. Steve
    April 3rd, 2011 at 4.49pm | #5

    @mpirks Lets compare the 2 –
    Torchwood, picture of earth, Perfect Day sample, earth turns into christmas pudding with a fuse.
    Doctor Who – Darkness, A Space Suit figure appears slowly out of the darkness, gets closer, you see the Doctor reflected and then a warning”Silence Will Fall”.
    Which one is more exciting??

  6. mpirks
    April 3rd, 2011 at 9.25pm | #6

    Well it’s not really a fair contest. Dr who has to rely on 20 different images in a 1 minute period to get it’s tone and point across. Torchwood is using a simple, sinister image to tell their story in a shorter amount of time.


    I agree. Both men do marvellous work. I have been known to praise Moffat throughout his first full series of who- even though I’m not as huge a fan as I am of RTD. My only criticism I have had for SM is that he (occasionally) over complicates his stories but I do rate his series.

    Steve just has a vendetta with RTD no matter what he does

  7. mpirks
    April 3rd, 2011 at 9.26pm | #7


    and one more thing RTD never milked out a series arc (“silence will fall”) over 2 seasons.

  8. The 13th Doctor
    April 3rd, 2011 at 10.15pm | #8

    Was BAD WOLF not used throughout most of the RTD years….

  9. Ruby
    April 3rd, 2011 at 10.43pm | #9

    I hate it when people start arguing about whos good and whos bad, RTD is brilliant but he has done some rubbish stories as has SM, there shouldnt be any competition, people should just enjoy the stories and trailers :L

  10. mpirks
    April 3rd, 2011 at 11.47pm | #10

    @tHE 13TH DOCTOR

    That is a very argument and I do agree with you. The only thing I’ll say to that is that at least he left Bad Wolf after series 1 and brought it back to series 4.


    I agree. we should just enjoy these programmes.

  11. The 13th Doctor
    April 3rd, 2011 at 11.51pm | #11

    yeh, i kinda get what ur sayin…

  12. Steve
    April 4th, 2011 at 5.46pm | #12

    @mpirks He went one worse. Rose!! Her presence was played on through 4 seasons! A completely boring arc that crush a great companion like Martha.

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