Next Time: Let’s Kill Hitler

June 4th, 2011
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

As we look back fondly on Series 6’s first seven weeks of high drama, action and suspense, we can be reassured with the knowledge that we’ve got another six to look forward to later in the year (as well as the Christmas special)!

Although the Doctor’s return in the autumn feels like it’s a million miles away right now, tonight’s cliffhanger has left us with plenty to speculate over, and we were also given some information about his forthcoming adventures. He’ll be back in Episode 8, which has been named as Let’s Kill Hitler.

In addition, a teaser for it has aired featuring a skeleton and the tagline “Time runs out”.

The Doctor Who site also has a video of Steven Moffat and Alex Kingston sharing some hints about what lies ahead. The spring series may be over, but it’s only the start!

72 comments on this article
  1. Bad Wolf
    June 6th, 2011 at 10.44am | #1


    We already saw Melody/River die in Forest of the Dead, so the Doctor must have found a way to keep her alive despite what she did/will do.
    If she is ultimately responsible for the death of millions, I admit the decision would be hard.

  2. PWilko123
    June 6th, 2011 at 1.46pm | #2

    @Bad Wolf

    I agree, we have seen what appears to be the death of Melody/River in Forest of the Dead. Just thinking that such a dilemma would make for an interesting story – after all, the Dr couldnt possibly sanction action against an “innocent” – the Dr found it tricky in Genesis of the Daleks.

  3. shawn
    June 6th, 2011 at 5.15pm | #3

    i think the TARDIS double saved melody/river so that the doctor can act before her death happens again remember when the TARDIS aka idris said that she saves everything passed presant and futre things and the doctor said how can u save futre things?

  4. Glenn
    June 6th, 2011 at 8.23pm | #4

    Idris was talking about the “desktops”

  5. shawn
    June 6th, 2011 at 9.16pm | #5

    oh rite i thought it was about everything in general

  6. Newton
    June 6th, 2011 at 9.32pm | #6

    @Bad Wolf well my theory is that you know apparently in the episode forest of the dead where the vash kill her, the sonic screwdriver she has was an upgraded one that a future doctor gave to her, in which he knew she would die and to preserve her was to upload her into the computer with everyone else using the future screwdriver. Now this is where the gangers tie in, we already know once they are in the tardis the become human and stable maybe there is away to download the mind of river song into a ganger in the future?

    Thanks why she was saved.

  7. Jason Marshall
    June 7th, 2011 at 7.26am | #7

    I would just like to know why people can’t spell properly

  8. Time Lord Victorious
    June 7th, 2011 at 8.15am | #8

    The question arose over whether or not she could regenerate…. I think that is what is gonna happen, the young, original River/Melody is going to die and regenerate into another version which could be the River Song we know. Or it could be another, previous incarnation.

  9. The Almost Person
    June 7th, 2011 at 6.00pm | #9

    Maybe the River who died in SITL/FOTD was a Ganger???

  10. shawn
    June 7th, 2011 at 7.46pm | #10

    @The Almost Person
    i hope river doesnt die any time soon as i like her and weve only just found out who she is

  11. shawn
    June 7th, 2011 at 7.47pm | #11

    @The Almost Person
    sorry for this second post i just realized u said a ganger river meaning not the real ne so please ignore my first post

  12. Professor Zed
    June 7th, 2011 at 8.36pm | #12

    Perhaps it’s the Clerics and the Eyepatch Lady who come up with a plan to kill Hitler – using a little girl in an astronaut suit to do their handy work? This, of course, would alter Earth’s history and future, from 1940 onward. The Doctor might recognize that “Hitler” is an event which can’t be changed and therefore he has to actually save Hitler.

    Oh, what a tangled web… inside my head.

  13. Paul
    June 8th, 2011 at 12.46pm | #13

    my theory as to why River/Melody has timelord dna in her… she not the doctors daughter. she was simply concieved (yes im bringing sex into this.) inside the tardis and therfore she has somehow ‘absorbed’ timelord DNA because the its the last of timelord technology and also the fact is when could the doctor and amy have sex in order to have River. also i wonder if rorys going to be annoyed that the doctor is practically dating his ‘little’ girl :)

  14. Paul
    June 8th, 2011 at 12.47pm | #14

    saying all that i havent watched many classic doctor who so i wouldnt know about timelord tech.

  15. Paul
    June 8th, 2011 at 12.51pm | #15

    yes me again, third post.
    you know how river says she killed a good man. she might kill him at the beginning of the series when the doctor dies. but obviously regenerates, also as much as i like matt smith as the doctor i am still expecting at least another 2 doctors

  16. shawn
    June 8th, 2011 at 2.16pm | #16

    i wonder what the skeleton hand lossly holding the sonic screwdriver is all about i think this is a bit missleading as i think they r trying tho make it look like the doctors hand but i dont think it is the doctor i think its really the doctor

  17. Focus
    June 10th, 2011 at 4.45pm | #17

    What if river is hitler, time lorrds regenerate in to males and females and now every langage, so they go back to kill hitler and find its river.

  18. Focus
    June 10th, 2011 at 4.48pm | #18

    or mabie there not going back to kill to hitler we now but an event the the Dr nows and the person responsable is refered or compared to hitler, could be river.

  19. Focus
    June 10th, 2011 at 4.49pm | #19

    or mabie there not going back to kill the hitler we now but an event that the Dr nows and the person responsable is refered or compared to hitler, could be river.

  20. The 13th Doctor
    June 10th, 2011 at 5.55pm | #20

    Hitler?! Ohhhhhh bit of a touchy subject

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