Daily Star reveals final two Series 6 episode titles?

With Series 6: Part 2 just around the corner, the Daily Star has today revealed what they claim to be the titles of the final two episodes of the series.
Episode 12 has been written by Gareth Roberts and will see the return of James Corden as Craig Owens, while the series finale is penned by Steven Moffat and is shrouded in secrecy. We’ve hidden their rumoured titles in the spoiler box below, as well as some accompanying finale plot details also reported by the tabloid today.
Remember that the information below isn’t confirmed, but it’s interesting to speculate!
Episode 12: Closing Time
Episode 13: The WeddingThe report also suggests that ‘The Wedding’ refers to the marriage of the Doctor and River.
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Given they’re from the Daily Star, these need to be taken with a barrel of salt. Especially because they’re also rubbish titles.
I’m surprised you can’t tell us the real titles. After all you are the fountain of knowledge ;)
Comment without spoilers.
No real opinion on Episode 12’s rumoured title, except that it makes me think to something important the Doctor says in one of the trailers for Part 2, but, if this is REALLY Episode 13’s title, I’m almost shocked. There’s so much more interesting things to focus on than this.
Oh well, I guess the titles will be officially announced soon enough, we’ll see then.
I’ve decided not to peek yet, but I will note that no one took Let’s Kill Hitler seriously as a title either, so who knows. Not that it matters – most people these days don’t even pay attention to titles since most shows don’t even bother with showing them on screen.
To be honest though, Let’s Kill Hitler is a much better title than either of those two (which actually sound more like plot summaries than titles).
I pay a lot of attention to titles they do say a lot
Let’s kill hitler: well world war 2 and hitler will be in it
Vampires in Venice: that’s too obvious…
Flesh or stone: stone = angels?
The wedding does get me quite interested though cuz who’s wedding? Doctor and rivers?
http://www.stevenmoffat.net/smn.moffwatch.htm Steven Moffat’s website says that Doctor Who will be airing on the 27th but on BBC HD, so that must mean it will be on BBC ONE on the same day.
@Whovian Planet
Bearing in mind that that website is actually a fansite (which is presumably why it has BBC HD on there considering Doctor Who isn’t simulcast on BBC HD anymore.
Isn;t it said that Episode 12 takes place in a parralel universe?Where Churchill is an Emperor and dinosaur birds exist? If that’s true, wouldn’t that mean that Amy and the Doctor would get married? Or maybe the Doctor is Amy’s child instead of River, and River is the time traveler whos companion is Rory. I don’t know, but these are interesting theories
Maybe Moffat is going to do a tribute to BTTF II and The Wedding will be Amy and Rory’s from The Big Bang but seen from a new angle? After all, River had to get there to leave the wedding gift for Amy somehow…
STOP! your messing with my head! ^^ that would be really funny to watch :D
That’s Episode Thirteen although, it’s more of an alternate universe ;)
I’m going to quote Steven Moffat from a few DWMs back – we need “slutty titles – the sluttier the better”. Those are… well, not. That’s why I don’t believe them.
IF this is true “The report also suggests that ‘The Wedding’ refers to the marriage of the Doctor and River.” then this is official the death of Doctor Who for me and the end of teh worse season since the return of the series in 2005. IF it is true then SM has lost his marbles and deserves to go the way of the other s ep, out the door!!
it could be a different type of wedding isnt eipisode 13 meant to be a bonkers timey wimey eip?