Steven on Series 7, 50th anniversary, the movie

The Scotsman have a new interview with Steven Moffat, in which he discusses a range of topics relating to the current Doctor Who universe.
Regarding Series 7, he explained: “We start mid-February, but I can’t tell you what the schedule is yet.” It’s previously been confirmed that its transmission will be “moving a bit later” in 2012. “It has done very well in the summer,” he said. “But I think it is a show you watch in the dark, about tunnels and torches…”
The interview goes on to cover 2013’s 50th anniversary, for which Steven reaffirms there are “very big plans”, noting: “The plans are at an early stage, but we have some clear ideas about what we’re doing. Doctor Who fans will think it’s the best ever, and the mere fact we’re talking about it two years before tells you how seriously we’re taking it.”
Another big piece of news recently is the announcement of the new Doctor Who film… Steven reiterates that the movie won’t be the reboot originally rumoured. “It’s not going to be a different version of Doctor Who with two different Doctors at the same time,” he confirmed. “We’re not that silly, and that would be no way to run a franchise, would it?”
Finally, he finishes by commenting on his future as showrunner. “I genuinely haven’t got a plan,” he reveals. “I’ll have to stop at some point or I’ll die. And dying would be bad.”
i love the sound of this series 7 and a movie i just cant wait the next two years sound great
Dying would be bad. Particularly before the 50th anniversary. That’s a very brave statement: “Doctor Who fans will think it’s the best ever.” Surely it’s not entirely true – there is ALWAYS at least one fan who doesn’t like any given ep, so surely it will be the same with this. All the same, that statement does make me excited.
Exactly what I was thinking. The only way it could be the celebration ever was if there was something for everyone, meaning there would need to be episodes for each Doctor and their companions.
I was wondering that too – so far, we’ve all been thinking along the lines of one big celebratory episode. That’s never going to please everyone. So what if there are multiple eps, with a much higher chance of there being – as you say – something for everyone…?
One side of me thinks.. Nooo! Why do I have to wait so long till Doctor Who is on next year?
The other side of me thinks.. Brilliant idea! Autumn TV-Winter TV is really boring and it’s nice to have something full of action and adventure to watch in the dark.
Series 7 looks to be very eventful, what with the news about losing the Ponds. When Donna had left, I thought it was a bad way to end her story as a companion. I would of preferred Donna just saying she wanted to go home.
Now Amy and Rory are leaving, I think they shouldn’t be killed off at all, they’ve got Melody now and the questions, even if we’ve been given a clear point.. Still haven’t been answered, Melody is River. We know that, The Doctor is married to River… But “The Question” is Doctor Who? Or is it not? This is why I am anxious about Series 7 to hurry up! :)
On the 50th Anniversary: I think this one’s gonna blow my mind! I’ve been a fan of the show since Christopher Eccleston’s time as the Doctor, and as many other fans, I’d love to see a “11 Doctors” sort of story line, especially on it’s 50th! We’ve seen “The Three Doctors” and “The Two Doctors”, “The Eleven Doctors” would drive fans crazy and ratings would be sky-high! I’m also looking forward to the fact that apperantly some old enemies are coming back, I do hope it’s some classic ones from Tom Baker’s years or perhaps even Jon Pertwee’s. I have watched some classics, and one particular alien I’d like to see on the show in this day and age would be The Ice Warriors from the 2nd Doctor.