Matt on Daybreak – talks Cumberbatch rumours

February 28th, 2012
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

Matt Smith can be seen on Daybreak tomorrow morning, and Radio Times has shared a few quotes from his interview for us to ponder over. Because we all love a good ponder!

He firstly comments on the upcoming departure of Amy in the next series, saying Karen Gillan is “a great friend” as well as being his co-star. “Creatively, I have a really interesting relationship with her and Arthur,” he said. “It is sad for me.” He moves onto discuss the series as a whole, revealing that “so much of it is about change”.

“You have to celebrate that,” he explained. “It’s about reinvention. How wonderful that someone invented a concept where a show can change so much. It’s been going in 2013 for 50 years, and it will continue way after I’m gone. The show is bigger than any of us.”

He also responds to the latest 50th anniversary rumours. Yesterday it was claimed by a newspaper that Sherlock star Benedict Cumberbatch is being lined up to play the Master as part of the celebrations. “I’ve not heard anything about it,” he admits. “I know Ben. He’s a bit busy being a Star Trek villain, and he’s Sherlock of course. A busy man!”

As for his own future in the TARDIS, he reveals that he “won’t be leaving anytime soon”. He confirmed: “It’s a thrill playing the part. We’ve got a whole series to make, and a Christmas special as well. I take it all day by day because there’s no other way to do it.”

You can catch Matt’s full interview on Daybreak tomorrow morning from 6:30am, ITV1…

2 comments on this article
  1. Amy
    February 29th, 2012 at 3.34pm | #1

    I dont think anyone took the Master rumours seriously :L Newspapers make up so much rubbish all the time!

  2. shawn
    February 29th, 2012 at 5.16pm | #2

    i agree with u i wouldnt have minded if he was the master but i dont like him playing the role of sherlock

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