Benedict Cumberbatch in talks to play the Master?

February 27th, 2012
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Rumours are circulating today that Benedict Cumberbatch is in talks to appear as the Master in the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who next year.

The news surfaced in the Express, who have claimed that the actor, who plays the protagonist in Steven Moffat’s other drama series, Sherlock, is the BBC’s “perfect choice” to step into the shoes of the renegade Time Lord as part of the show’s birthday celebrations. The role was last played by John Simm in Series 3 and The End of Time.

“It’s fitting that the Doctor comes face to face with his ultimate enemy, The Master, for the 50th anniversary, and it’s felt Benedict is the perfect choice if schedules can work,” said a source. “Fans will love the man who’s Sherlock taking on the Doctor.”

What do you think of the speculation? Would Benedict make a good Master? Let us know your thoughts… Steven’s said there are “very big plans” afoot for the landmark year.

27 comments on this article
  1. Marine-C
    March 2nd, 2012 at 7.19am | #1

    Ewwww hell no. Bring back John Simm!!

  2. Daniel
    March 2nd, 2012 at 11.09am | #2

    Oh my god yes please make him the Master… It would be so amazing!!!

  3. Spaceman
    March 3rd, 2012 at 10.26am | #3

    @Emerald Rose
    I agree. It’s something myself and a few others discussed the potential of, early last year. I like Simm as an actor, but not his Master, way too over the top. But hey, different horses for different courses. I’d like to see Cumberbatch as the Master. He’d give the role more of colder/calm/calculating menace. Which would be a good foil for Matt’s quirky Doctor.
    But then it’s my opinion and this could all be just rumours. Time will tell.

  4. Shadowwright
    March 4th, 2012 at 2.35am | #4

    I hope not. I’d like to see Cumberbatch playing the Valeyard.

  5. Grace
    March 6th, 2012 at 8.53am | #5

    Shadowwright your idea is a good one! Ah the Valeyard…now that character would be perfect because then his slightly doctor-like personality would make perfect sense!

  6. Ellen
    March 10th, 2012 at 11.34am | #6

    He is a bit busy, being Frankenstein and he is in star trek atm :? John Simm was excellent

  7. AnnaChildofGallifrey
    May 31st, 2012 at 5.55pm | #7

    John Simm was excelent, but Benedict as The Master. WOW…I mean just WOW! He’s amazing in Sherlock and I think that he could give the role of The Master the sort cold, calculating, evil you look for in an antagonist.

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