Another post-Miracle Day audiobook on the way!

March 17th, 2012

Last month we told you about Army of One, a brand new Torchwood audiobook, and we have now learnt that there’s another one on the way too!

Fallout, which is written by David Llewellyn, is also set after the events of Miracle Day, and is centered on Sgt Andy Davidson, as he sets out to investigate a mysterious double shooting. When Yasmin discovers a jewelled egg in her grandfather’s shed, she is at first unware that it’s in fact a dangerous weapon from another planet.

When she decides to sell it online, the buyer turns out to be a Russian secret agent who is working for the Committee for Extraterrestrial Research, who promptly swipes it, kills her brother, Sayed, and lands her in hospital. Sgt Andy calls in Gwen Cooper for help, who breaks the bad news about the egg and its deadly contents. With no Torchwood, and Gwen in the US, it’s all up to Andy and Yasmin to follow the trail of the Shiva virus…

Fallout is released on 5th April 2012 – you can order your copy on Amazon today!

Thanks to Joe for letting us know!

1 comment on this article
  1. Joe
    March 17th, 2012 at 3.16pm | #1

    You’re very welcome! Can’t wait for this one as it’s a Andy story and the bonus is Tom Price reading it!

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