Calling all Whovians – we need a Fan of the Month!

March 17th, 2012

Once again we’re on the look out for a devotee of the Doctor to be named as our Fan of the Month this March!

Could that devotee be you? If you think you’ve got what it takes, it couldn’t be easier to put yourself forward! Simply head over to the application form and fill in the questions!

We’ll be selecting and revealing the winner on Saturday 31st March. Best of luck to all the entrees, and we look forward to hearing from you!

1 comment on this article
  1. Stephen Elsden
    March 17th, 2012 at 9.47pm | #1

    A fan of the show since the late Pertwee era, this passion boiled over in January when I organised the Big Blue Box convention. I am now also a volunteer reviewer of Dr Who audios and developing plans for Big Blue Box 2 next year.

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