Calling the Doctor: phone skins, accessories galore!

March 18th, 2012

You can now get your hands on these Forbidden Planet exclusive Doctor Who skins to help you give your iPhone that much-needed timey-wimey spark!

There’s a handful of great skins to choose from, including a Cyberman, Cybermen at St Pauls, Exploding TARDIS, Keep Calm and Don’t Blink, Keep Calm I’m the Doctor, TARDIS Water Colour, and Dalek to Victory. Meanwhile, August will see the release of this TARDIS Smart Safe accessory for smart phones.

In other merchandise news, you may be interested in these Dalek to Victory and Exploding TARDIS travel pass holders to take with you on your adventures. You can also dress to impress courtesy of these Time of Angels, 11th Doctor, 9th Doctor and Cyberman Invasion t-shirts, which, incidentally, you can wear as you enjoy a cup of tea in this You Will Obey mug! It’s as if Christmas has come early for us Whovians…

See the latest Doctor Who products on sale now via our merchandise section!

5 comments on this article
  1. Tom Versey
    March 18th, 2012 at 8.26pm | #1

    Wow! Now I am jealous! I want one very badly.

  2. JC2006
    March 18th, 2012 at 11.42pm | #2

    A great idea, but it’s a shame they always forget the iPod Touch when making these covers

  3. Senor Chang
    March 20th, 2012 at 10.01am | #3

    ^^ Just get an iphone like everyone else

  4. Shawsy
    March 20th, 2012 at 12.34pm | #4

    They should make them for all phones I would love The Invasion one for my phone…

  5. JC
    March 20th, 2012 at 4.08pm | #5

    @Senor Chang
    I refuse to spend that amount of money on a phone, I’d fear for my health if I spent over £400 on an iPhone when I have a perfectly good phone and an iPod Touch.

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