Paul McGann reveals he’d “love to” return to series

March 16th, 2012
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

Paul McGann has revealed that he would “love to” return to Doctor Who if the opportunity ever came about.

The actor, who appeared as the Eighth Doctor in the 1996 TV Movie, told Digital Spy: “I would love to do it again, but it’s not really up to me, is it? Being Doctor Who, there is always anniversaries looming large – celebration programmes and episodes. So I am often asked, ‘If they get the five Doctors together, would you do it?’, and, of course, I’d do it. They’ve just got to ring me up!”

He also reveals that his association with the series “only ever seems to get stronger” as more time passes. “I was over in California a few weeks ago, talking to fans,” he said. “Although I was in Doctor Who for just 6 weeks, sixteen years ago, it never goes away.”

Thanks to JC for letting us know!

9 comments on this article
  1. TWWL
    March 16th, 2012 at 8.45pm | #1


  2. Steve
    March 16th, 2012 at 9.31pm | #2

    @TWWL Here’s a surprise for you….
    I agree. bring back Paul McGann! RTD did it for Peter Davison. Paul should be back and face the Daleks!!!

  3. JC2006
    March 16th, 2012 at 10.51pm | #3

    Fully agreed TWWL, fully. When I read this article, I just wanted Moffat to make that call and I’ve seen a lot of fans saying the same thing.

    A lot have been sending links to that article to Steven Moffat on Twitter. I know a lot of fans feel strongly about seeing the 8th Doctor again, particularly because of the Time War legend and Moffat has the power to develop that for the fans in 2013.

    He just has to make that call and I really hope he does.

  4. shawn
    March 17th, 2012 at 10.50am | #4

    he only did the doctor who movie i would like to see more of him as the doctor in a multi doctor who story if the chance every came up :)

  5. Steve
    March 17th, 2012 at 6.05pm | #5

    @shawn He only appeared on TV in one movie, he has been playing the Doctor for the last 12 years for Big Finish and with great stories and one of the best companions ever in the form of Sheridan Smith playing Lucie Miller, It is one of the ultimate dream teams!

  6. shawn
    March 17th, 2012 at 8.08pm | #6

    oh rite i didnt now he did the big finish as i dont listen to them i only collect the dvds classic and new series and the monthly magazine :)

  7. Steve
    March 18th, 2012 at 7.55am | #7

    @shawn It’s worth having a look at. It makes him the longest running Doctor as he has held the role from 1996 to date.

  8. Grace
    March 18th, 2012 at 10.54pm | #8

    I’d love to see him too. But then again the only Doctor I’m nervous about not being able to see is Christopher Eccleston!

  9. Shawsy
    March 20th, 2012 at 12.42pm | #9

    Please bring Paul McGann back for the 50th Anniversary he was great in the movie and he is excellent on the Doctor Who Big Finish stories, he plays the Doctor extremely well and his version of him is prtrayed well I would love to see him on the screen, in fact you should make a side series with him set before the Time War (or you could lead up to that, please do this for us fans…

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