Dalekmania in Cardiff as Series 7 filming continues!

April 1st, 2012
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

Daleks are the talk of the town in Cardiff at the moment, as the iconic monsters have returned to the Doctor Who studios to film their grand comeback in the next series!

In the new Series 7 trailer, the Doctor says to give him a Dalek any day, but something tells us he will be eating his words, as it isn’t just going to be the latest incarnation of his infamous foe popping up when the series returns. According to the official site, more than one of the Daleks from throughout the show’s history will make an appearance!

But which design do the cast like best we hear you cry? Well, Steven Moffat has taken to Twitter to provide the answer! Both Matt Smith and Karen Gillan prefer the 60s Dalek!

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18 comments on this article
  1. David
    April 1st, 2012 at 6.00pm | #1

    This “clash” of DW eras is amazing. I’m just hoping it was an April Fool joke.

  2. Borusa
    April 1st, 2012 at 6.58pm | #2

    The official website never confirmed all the Daleks from the shows history would be in it. What it said was “ut which design? The answer is ALL OF THEM!” – that could mean anything.

    If we were really to get every design you’d be looking at a very, very long list and if it were true would that mean we’d get the cr@ppy voiced ones from Day of the Daleks? Yeah, I don’t think so.

    It’s more likely it’ll be ones from the RTD era and Moffat era for obvious reasons, but I would loved to see a return for the 60s Daleks.

  3. David
    April 1st, 2012 at 7.01pm | #3

    Yikes, I meant “wasn’t”.

    I think we will get RTD, Moffat & some from the “classic” series, such as this battered example.

  4. Mike Humphreys
    April 2nd, 2012 at 12.58am | #4

    Now THAT is a Dalek!

  5. Steve
    April 2nd, 2012 at 6.48am | #5

    @Mike Humphreys I agree with you on that.

  6. TWWL
    April 2nd, 2012 at 9.21am | #6

    Look in the picture above, that’s a classic series Dalek, not RTD or Moffat. Whether it will move, or just be an abandoned old design is another matter.

  7. Borusa
    April 2nd, 2012 at 9.46am | #7

    That was just taken for Moffat’s Twitter page after Matt Smith said he likes the 60s Daleks the best. Again, it’s not evidence to show that all the Daleks will be returning, and if they were I think they’d keep a little more secret.

    Sorry to sound negative and blunt, but people are jumping to conclusions, this site in particular with a previous article claiming the official website had confirmed the return of all the Daleks, which isn’t true until we definitely see it.

  8. Borusa
    April 2nd, 2012 at 9.48am | #8

    Also remember yesterday was April Fool’s Day, so that picture could have also been taken as a hoax to make people think all incarnations of the Daleks are back.

  9. TWWL
    April 2nd, 2012 at 1.01pm | #9

    Sure, but from what has been said, it certainly seems like we may see a few different Daleks; if it ends up that we don’t, it’s no big deal, but it’s nice to speculate.

  10. stetsons are cool
    April 2nd, 2012 at 4.57pm | #10

    in the background i can make out a 2005-2010 model dusty/stone dalek?

  11. Rosalie
    April 2nd, 2012 at 5.54pm | #11

    Even so, the five “sneaky” photos (which were not released on April 1st) certainly showed a Classic Dalek. It’s possible, of course, that this was an attempt to mislead us and get us talking, but it seems more likely that at least one Classic model is returning.

  12. Me
    April 3rd, 2012 at 8.06am | #12

    I couldn’t see a classic Dalek…

  13. Rosalie
    April 3rd, 2012 at 4.54pm | #13

    One of the images showed a black Dalek base in the Classic style.

  14. Tom Versey
    April 3rd, 2012 at 9.07pm | #14

    I would be really happy to see the return of EVERY Dalek, but surely Davros must return! I would love to see that!

  15. Steve
    April 4th, 2012 at 5.38pm | #15

    @Tom Versey I think the Daleks work better without Davros. They become very second nature to the plot when Davros is pulled out.

  16. JC
    April 4th, 2012 at 6.33pm | #16

    I did like Julian Bleach as Davros and it would be great to think he survived the destruction of the Dalek Crucible.

    I mean, if his Command Ship can fly into the jaws of the Nightmare Child and Dalek Caan can come back and save him, there must be any number of ways he could have survived.

    Having said that, I agree with Steve. When Davros is with his Daleks, there’s a power struggle.

    Davros sometimes has the upper hand and the Daleks seem to bend to his will, making them feel weaker, like the Ironsides were to the Teletubby Daleks.

    Otherwise, the Daleks almost kept Davros as their pet at the end of Series 4, which greatly weakened his image.

    So when the Daleks and Davros are together, there’s always this power struggle happening between, distracting the Daleks from doing what they do.

  17. Calli Arcale
    April 4th, 2012 at 8.40pm | #17

    I like Davros, but I also liked not having him in every Dalek episode. He’d gotten to be too much on the old series, since he was in every single one starting with “Genesis of the Daleks”. By the time he returned on the new series, I was ready to see him again, and it was a delight! So I agree that the Daleks can become secondary when there’s a story with him in it. That’s not always a bad thing, but it means it must be done sparingly because it limits the sort of stories you can do.

    I very much want to see a Classic Dalek or two on the new series. That would be awesome. ;-)

  18. shawn
    April 5th, 2012 at 4.56pm | #18

    @Tom Versey
    i love davros and would like to see him return again :)

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