Discussion: Your hopes for the 50th anniversary

Unless you’ve been living deep in the Medusa Cascade, you’ll know that next year will be the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who, and everybody’s talking about it!
With over a year to go there’s already plenty of rumours and speculation about how the BBC will celebrate the tremendous milestone. With talks of a multi-Doctor special, a movie, and various past characters and foes returning, just how will the landmark year be commemorated? Your guess is as good as ours, but what would you like to see?
In this discussion you’ll be able to share all of your hopes and dreams for 2013. Would you like to see a multi-Doctor ep? Which characters/enemies from years gone by should make a triumphant comeback? It certainly will be a big historic moment – the event is surrounded by lots of expectation already. But what do the “extensive” plans involve?
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The comments below are the perfect destination for all your 50th anniversary musings. Drop in to discuss the latest developments as and when – even at 4am if you are being kept up with your wild, wonderful theories! You can also tweet us ideas @WhovianNet.
Click HERE to keep up to date with the latest 50th anniversary developments!
ok…I suspect the Rose you will see, will be the one from the Parting Of The Ways, where she still has the power of the time vortex.Would have been no problem at all for her to divert to the War Doctor on the way back to the game station to save the 9th Doctor from the Daleks.
Thinking on that…with Paul McGann’s regeneration into John Hurt shown now, we have only one regen left to see…John Hurt into the 9th Doc….wonder if that will be in the special?
Remember Moffatt says he didn’t want to turn it into a fanfic with all the doctors and loads of monsters but he says hes had to lie his head off. I reckon there will be actors playing the first three doctors and the originals playing the others. Obviously David Bradley will play the first doctor eh eh???? I expect that susan will be back otherwise why would it always refer to the “one day I shall come back” and it will have been so long that she has aged to what we know today but its all purely specualitve
Well, I would’ve wanted all the Doctors back, detailing most of the major and maybe some minor parts of the Doctor’s past. I know Rose and 10 will be back, and I hope Donna, as well as 9 comes back. I hope to see the ‘return’ of many including monsters and aliens alike. I wanna see how John Hurt is the Doctor.
Best of luck watching today! (It’s 3.50am here in Singapore right now.)
My brain almost refused to belive the things it just saw. ;-) I loved every moment. I don’t know how many times I literally jump up from the sofa squealing or giggling. And grinning like an idiot for the time in between. I mean ALL of them. ALL! How am I supposed to go to bed now? Hm…easy I won’t. I just will have to watch it again…Thanks to all who made it such a great time waiting for it (I swear the clock went backwards just to irritate me) and now finally watching.
So…one out of two wasn’t bad. Guessed that the John Hurt regen would happen. Would have been a little better if C.E had agreed to come on and do it!
But I got it totally wrong around Rose…in a way. Bad Wolf!
John Hurt played it really well, bridging the old school Doctor (very deep, lots to explain,weight on his shoulders 60’s/70’s style Doc) to the “new style”Doc’s. Very nicely done. Good nod to Tom Baker too..who was my Dr Who. Reminded me of the nod from Matt Smith to William Hartnel on thurs night in the drama about the first series.
Overall, a good reminder why the 3 Doctors episodes are so well loved. Looking forward to the Christmas Special!
I’m so glad to see all the Doctors again, especially since Moffat specifically said none other would appear in the special! Great to see Eccleston and Baker and the debut of Capaldi! I’m so glad that Hurt is no longer the frowned upon destroyer! Excellent way to celebrate the series!
Guys…you need to go to the BBC Dr Who webpage…and watch the Five(ish) Doctors Reboot by Peter Davidson. It’s a really good tongue in cheek send up….plus you get to see what was under the sheets in the under gallery. Was it really Zygons…or…some(one)thing else?