Comic Con: Karen “more than satisfied” with finale

July 21st, 2012
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Karen Gillan confirmed to Collider at Comic Con that she’s “more than satisfied” with her Doctor Who exit.

“After doing it for three years, I wanted it to be epic, and it is more than that,” she revealed. “It is in New York as well, so the production value of it is really movie-like. Plus, it has the Weeping Angels, who are clearly the best monsters.”

Arthur Darvill agrees: “It’s huge and brilliant. We all finished reading it and we were all in tears, just from reading it.”

When asked if they would ever consider a comeback, the Amy Pond actress explained: “I want it to be done. I want people to go and rewatch the final moments and actually be sad and not like “They’re coming back, it’s fine!” So probably not. But never say never.”

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