Fun and frights to get you ready for WHO’loween!
October 19th, 2013

Halloween’s fast approaching and WhovianNet’s here to help you celebrate the season in classic timey-wimey style!
The Doctor is always meeting scary monsters and villains on his travels and you could say that everyday is Halloween on board the TARDIS. Unfortunately for us mere Earthlings, the spookiest day on our calendar only comes round but once a year – so let’s make it a good’un!
Here’s some frightfully fun features to get you in the mood…
- Who’loween Spooktacular Results: To celebrate the Halloween season, we embarked on a dangerous and spine-chilling mission to discover what our visitors thought was the scariest Doctor Who story to date.
- Who’loween Spooktacular Results 2010 – It’s that time of year again, so join us as we look back over the Doctor’s enemies of the past, present and future to determine which is the scariest of them all!
Throwing a Doctor Who Halloween Party – Read on for WhovianNet’s top tips and tricks on how to throw the best Doctor Who Halloween party in the Universe!
Scary stuff! We’ll have more festivities over the coming days as Halloween approaches, including your chance to show off all your Doctor Who inspired costumes and pumpkins…
I’m planning to watch Blink on Halloween, along with Big Finish Doctor Who audio The Witch from the Well.
I’m also going to try and make a Doctor Who styled Pumpkin.
It can’t be Halloween without a bit of Doctor Who!