New photos from Flatline

October 14th, 2014
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

The BBC has released a bundle of new pictures from this weekend’s Doctor Who adventure.

In Flatline by Jamie Mathieson, Clara discovers a new menace from another dimension when she is separated from the Doctor. But how do you hide when even the walls are no protection?

With people to save and the Doctor trapped, she goes against an enemy that exists beyond human perception. It airs on Saturday on BBC One at the slightly earlier time of 8:25pm.

“Are you my mummy?” Let’s hope not! Click here to rate this weekend’s episode.

1 comment on this article
  1. Steve
    October 17th, 2014 at 1.26pm | #1

    Ah rats – so this is a Doctor Lite episode in a Doctor lite season….. Right up Steven Moffatt’s street as he believes Doctor Who is not about the Doctor but about the companion! – Is he right?

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