Whovian DIY: Who’loween costume tutorials

October has finally arrived which means the season of terror will soon be upon us, and WhovianNet has got it covered!
With just 30 days to go until the spookiest day of the year, now would be a frightfully good time to start planning your Halloween costume. That is, if you haven’t done so already…
If you’re thinking of transforming yourself into your favourite Doctor or companion, our friends over at Carbon Costume have gathered all the essential info to help you dress to impress – Whovian style! Because what other style is there?
With links to purchase the items required for each individual character, these insightful DIY costume tutorials will provide you with all the tips and tricks you need to help you fill the shoes – or Converse – of your timey-wimey hero. Whether you’ll be taking your new wardrobe out trick or treating, attending a party, or just sitting alone watching scary movies in a dark room (we’ve all been there!), you’re bound to find everything you’re looking for right here. Their DIY tutorials include the Twelfth Doctor, Amy Pond and Rose Tyler.
Are you planning to dress up as a Doctor Who character/monster this year? Let us know…
AWESOMESAUCE!! I’m trying to get a Donna Noble Fires of Pompeii together… Maybe they can help!!