Doctor Boo!

With it being Halloween yesterday, I thought I would get all spooky on you Whovian Netter readers and discuss scary episodes of Doctor Woo, I mean Who! This read will definitely have you hiding behind the sofas – so if of a nervous disposition, you better get into position and jump behind that sofa of yours as if a Dalek has just appeared on your silver screen. Speaking of scary sights, nude pictures of the 11th Doctor Matt Smith were linked online – we got to see if the Doctor has two of anything else, apart from hearts! But, if you prefer top see the former Time Lord clothed (with his sonic screwdriver tucked away), don’t look online for ‘Matt Smith images’ and just wait for Terminator: Genisys to come out in the cinemas next year.
One of the scariest episodes of Doctor Who over the last few years has to be ‘Blink’, as Stone Angels and Easter Eggs are a deadly combination. The Weeping Angels made their Doctor Who debuts in this adventure and have been recurring villains ever since. ‘Blink’ was a David Tennant episode (even though he mainly featured on a TV screen), but it was Matt Smith’s 11th Doctor who encountered the Weeping Angels more often than not (they are probably after Adrian from Coal Hill School now – watch out for moving statues in the area of Shoreditch). The Weeping Angels seem most likely to be ‘real’ out of all the Doctor Who villains and monsters, which is what makes them that much more terrifying! When you see a statue of Horatio Nelson in Central London (Trafalgar Square) you think that you should not blink (and that there might be some Zygons near by) and the Weeping Angels have made graveyards and Churches places where you are now even more fearful. When it came to the Angels, you had to keep your eyes on the prize, otherwise you will be sent back in time to Hull (and that’s the last place in the universe you would want to be sent – those Weeping Angels are pure evil). Kathy Nightingale was transported to Hull in 1920 from London in 2007, as a result of not staring out those Angels, but apparently had a good life, despite those cruel Angels feeding on her potential energy.
The recent episode of Doctor Who (Series 8: Episode 8) called ‘Mummy on the Orient Express’ also provided the viewers with some scary moments as there was a killer Mummy which would even make Imhotep quake in his bandagers. The Doctor even referred back to one of his previous scary storylines when he asked the train killer “Are you my Mummy?” – which is an allusion to the World War II gasmask child from Series One with the 9th Doctor. Frank Skinner would most definitely like to put this particular menacing Mummy into Room 101, while at times, it was like watching a football match with it being Orient 1-0 Foxes (that would be Leyton Orient 1-0 Leicester City). The singer Foxes made her acting debut in this adventure, but it was ultimate Whovian ‘fan girl’ Frank Skinner who got the biggest shock when his character turned down the opportunity to be a full time companion. Series 8: Episode 7 had killer bacteria spiders in it, so that episode sent everyone scared of spiders (or the Moon – but that would just be Wallace and Gromit) leaping behind the sofa. However, if other people’s sofas are anything like mine there would be more spiders back there then on screen!
Overall, each series of Doctor Who provides at least one ‘scary’ episode or even a terrifying two-parter. Steven Moffat was the king at providing the darker Doctor tales when Russell T Davies was still in the head writer hotseat. But, Moffat is now the main man and all the episodes have those darker undertones to them – even Peter Capaldi’s Doctor is a harder Time Lord to travel with, as Clara Oswald has found out this series. Capaldi plays a villain in ‘The Musketeers’, while political witch-doctor Malcolm Tucker was hardly child-friendly. Also, those eyebrows and Scottish accent are pretty damn scary!