Share your favourite Series 8 moments

On the eve of this year’s Doctor Who finale, we’re taking time to reflect on the last 11 weeks of timey-wimey adventure.
It’s hard to believe that it’s been almost 3 months since the Twelfth Doctor made his official debut, in the feature-length Deep Breath which was also screened in cinemas.
Since then he’s taken us on an epic journey to the Moon and back, meeting new friends and enemies, and plenty of old ones, along the way. As always with Doctor Who, it feels like it’s over before it’s truly began…
The new series has been proof that time really does fly, but have you been having fun? As we await the inevitable shocks and surprises of Death in Heaven, we’d love to hear your highlights of the Twelfth Doctor’s debut series in the comments below. What have you loved? What was your favourite episode, and at which point did the Twelfth Doctor ‘arrive’ for you? Share your best bits right here and join the nostalgia on Twitter @WhovianNet.
New series, new Doctor, new adventures. Click here for all the latest on Series 8!
Capaldi being bloody marvellous.
The episodes ‘Into the Dalek’, ‘Mummy on the Orient Express’ & ‘Flatline’.
Frank Skinner.
Jenna Coleman stepping up.
The new theme tune & Titles!!
Michelle Gomez’s acting.
Capaldi made a brilliant doctor! In fact he was more like the Classic doctors! My favorite episodes “Time Heist” and “Listen” was second!
Best lines were in “In the Forest of the Night.”
Danny Pink: How do we find X? Ruby?
Ruby: It’s there sir, at the top!
Danny Pink: No. how do we find–
Ruby: It’s not lost! It’s there at the top! Look!
Danny Pink: How do we find the value of X?
Ruby: Why are you asking me all the questions? Give someone else a go!