Happy 10th anniversary, NuWho!

March 26th, 2015
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

Yes, it really has been that long! Doctor Who returned to our screens exactly 10 years ago today, on Saturday 26th March 2005, and nothing was ever the same again.

It’s safe to say that reinventing the series for a 21st century audience was an almighty risk for the BBC, and that’s not to mention Russell T Davies who quite literally put his entire career on the line. It all paid off, though (and then some!), as TV’s favourite Time Lord was welcomed back with opens arms and the show has been going from strength to strength ever since. Time sure does fly when you’re having fun!

Over 100 episodes, four Doctors (plus a secret one nobody knew about!), a plethora of companions and a menagerie of monsters, both new and old, later, it truly has been the trip of a lifetime and we wouldn’t have missed it for the world. Here’s to the next 10 years!

What are your memories of the last 10 years of time and space? Share ‘em below and join the conversation on Twitter using the #10YearsOfNuWho hashtag. It’s only just beginning…

4 comments on this article
  1. David
    March 26th, 2015 at 7.49am | #1

    Happy 10th Anniversary “Nu-Who” (doh!). Can you imagine if Jane Tranter, RTD etc hadn’t have conspired together to resurrect DW? It would most probably have been all but forgotten by now, apart from by the hardcore obsessives.

    Looking forward to Series 9/35 and whatever else DW’s 52nd year brings.

    Long live Doctor Who.

  2. Patrick
    March 26th, 2015 at 9.25am | #2

    I wish they had done something to celebrate 10 years of Nu-Who. Maybe not as big as Day of the Doctor but something similar.

  3. JC
    March 26th, 2015 at 5.10pm | #3

    Happy 10th Anniversary Nu-Who. I had no interest in Doctor Who before it was revived in 2005, it was just this old British Sci-Fi show that had ended when I was very young, but Star Trek had failed, I completely and utterly the reboot and decided to move on to something else.

    Doctor Who was there at the right time. I started watching and found I really enjoyed the ideas, the episodes and the rich back story and I have been with Doctor Who ever since.

    Steven Moffat’s era has really tested me at times, particularly the whole of Series 8, but I want to stay with the Doctor and see what the future and the past hold for him.

  4. JC
    March 26th, 2015 at 5.11pm | #4

    I completely and utterly rejected the reboot*

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