BBC teases “big news” about Series 9

The BBC has today (Tuesday) teased that they will shortly be revealing some “big news” about Series 9 of Doctor Who.
Principal production on the Twelfth Doctor’s second string of adventures, to be aired in the autumn, has been ongoing since January and thus far they’ve been keeping things close to their chest regarding what lies ahead for our beloved Time Lord and his returning companion, Clara. Could this be a surprise announcement that fans have been waiting for? Only time will tell, but we’ll be here to keep you updated with the latest developments as and when they happen!
It’s impossible to guess what the news will be, but why don’t you have a go anyway?! As always, the comments are open for your weird and wonderful theories and speculation…
I have a very strong feeling that it will be Omega that they announce for the Series 9 finale (Episode 11/Episode 12).
The chitinous monster, known as Dragonfly will be played by Marnix Van Den Broeke. You heard it here first. I am the world’s foremost authority on all things Doctor Who.
Marnix Van Den Broeke played the Silence. Of course, he was pretty much disguised for that, so it will be interesting if he’s another character in the show. Wonder if he’s going to be disguised again? Dragonfly, eh?
Yeah he played the Silence. He is filming as the Dragonfly for at least episode 10, 11 and 12. The make-up and suit is staggering for this creation, and CGI will be used to make him glow and shimmer when he gets angry or sorrowful. Got hints the Dragonfly is the series bad guy and is totally new, not a previous villain.
Not sure if this is the big news now as this was all planned for studio and closed set filming. They are battening the hatches now this has got out. Apparently it has hit the forums n Moffat is throwing a hissy fit. My source is sh##ing himself.
Maybe the Doctor will find Gallifrey in the series finale.
that article is not quite a tease.
Agreed, it just says there’s more big news to come, which is what I think they always say.
We’ll see.
no spoilers there…hahaha…@JC
why???@Dannie Madsen
Carole Ann Ford has said that Peter Capaldi is pushing to have her return as Susan!
THAT I would love. He said he’d be back for her one day and it’s been 52 linear years, hundreds from the Doctor’s point of view.
So I suppose the Doctor goes back to before Susan regenerates, otherwise she would have been in the same body for as long as the Doctor has been in 11 of his. I suppose now they’ve set up that the Doctor might be able to choose to return to some “old favourites” in terms of appearance, Susan could have done the same though.
Whether it’d actually happen though, I don’t know, but I’d love to see The Doctor find Susan again. It’s a massive thing though after all these years. I certainly wouldn’t envy Moffat trying to write that script.
ive heard that episode 10 will be written by somebody who will send whovians into an excited frenzy!