Peter on Maisie Williams’ “cosmic” character

Peter Capaldi has revealed some interesting new tidbits about Maisie Williams’ involvement in Series 9.
The Game of Thrones actress will star in Episodes 5 and 6 – The Girl Who Died and The Woman Who Lived – as a mysterious character who looks set to “challenge the Doctor in unexpected ways”. While Peter remained tightlipped about what lies in store, he told Entertainment Weekly that “she shifts in cosmic ways”. “Maisie is fantastic,” he said. “A sharp, talented tornado. As an 18 year old, she has taught me many new words and expressions.”
What’s your theory about Maisie’s role? She could be “good or bad”, which doesn’t help…
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maise is totaly jenny because she had die d in series four and when the doctor left she came back to life like the titlres she is in i quote The Girl Who Died, Ep 6. The Woman Who Lived,
and i think this theorey is true because the facts are there
IF Maisie Williams is Jenny, it would be great to see her again, but it’d be sad to know that we’ll never see Georgia Moffett in the role again, as she was great.
Again, having said that, it would also be good to know that Jenny can regenerate, as that has been a source of speculation since the episode aired, IE: Can a clone regenerate OR was her coming back to life the product of the the terraforming device OR did the terraforming device bring her back to life and unlock the regeneration ability?
Very interesting questions, even if Maisie Williams were to turn out not to be Jenny.
I do wonder what the Time Lords will think when they return though. Whilst they’ve been away, the 10th Doctor has created a half human, half Time Lord metacrisis of himself, as well as clone that might be able to regenerate and the 11th Doctor’s human companions created a child that could regenerate, who died but may return from the dead one day (if the Master can do it…), and that the 11th Doctor subsequently married.
Policy of non-interference ……… HA!
After Missy’s revelations about the Master/Missy having a daughter in the Witches Familiar, what’s the chances of Maisie being that exact character??