The Doctor and Clara to Face the Raven

The Doctor and Clara Oswald will Face the Raven next weekend in what can only be described as one of the most anticipated episodes of Series 9.
With the knowledge that Jenna Coleman will be bidding adieu to the TARDIS, fans have been eagerly speculating as and when the impossible girl’s time will finally run out. It hasn’t been officially confirmed that the next episode will feature her departure, but it’s certainly suggested in the trailer, along with the news that the following episode, Heaven Sent, will see the Doctor facing his greatest challenge alone.
So, what do you think? Will Face the Raven be Clara’s final hour, or is it all a red herring to keep us guessing until the bitter end? All we can do is theorise until it actually airs, but luckily that’s something that us Whovians have been proven to do exceedingly well. In fact, we’ve a whole discussion dedicated solely to soufflé girl’s swansong, with 64% of our readers convinced that she’ll nobly sacrifice herself to save her beloved Time Lord. In the meantime, here is the newly released poster for Episode 10 which – in true Doctor Who fashion – tells us literally nothing about what lies in store. It’s better than nothing, right?
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