So, should the next Doctor be a female…?

It’s the question that’s dominating Whovian discussion all over the world, and just about every other discussion, too.
Following last month’s shock announcement that Peter Capaldi will be leaving Doctor Who in this year’s Christmas Special, our attention has already turned to who will or might be cast as his successor, despite the fact he’ll be sticking around for another 13 episodes.
And, of course, amidst the flurry of potential candidates, the inevitable debate has once again been sparked…
Should the Thirteenth Doctor be a female? Well, Ladbrokes certainly seem to think so – they currently have 7/2 odds on it being Oscar winner Tilda Stinton, and the campaign for a Time Lady has recently been backed by former companion Billie Piper who thinks sticking with tradition would “be a snub”. But what do YOU think? We’d love to hear your opinions on the matter at hand, so vote in the poll below and be sure to join the friendly debate in the comments section. Hopefully it will give us an idea of the general consensus, if there even is one! Either way, it’s a topic that will keep us all talking for the foreseeable…
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The Doctor has regenerated 13 times and was male in all so better just keep it the same.The Doctor sounds a bit of a manish name and we do not want him to be like Missy.Master to Missy sounds weird.
i hear the new doctor might be the girl ffrom chewing gum and i wonder how her and missy would react
Personally I think good on them, obviously not everyone is happy about it, but why not, It’s good to at least try. You can’t just say bad things about it until you’ve watched it. So I kindly ask for the time being for you all to shut the hell up. Don’t judge a book by it’s cover.
The Doctor has always been a male. As said by “The Doctor” the name The Doctor is a manish name, why change something that isnt broken. I can absolutely guarantee if Jodie fucks up the show, it will lose alot of ratings, and views, and alot of people will change their opinion from Yayyy finally a female doctor, to maybe this was a bad idea. Doctor and his female companion, and the obvious romance between them is the way its always been dont change it now. It will just be weird for Jodie to have a female companion, and theres romance, and really weird for their to be a male companion. Sorry not Sorry
Yeah, and besides, it will be so different and AKWARD to have a female doctor, I mean, will she still have female companions? Will she be gay? Will she still remember rose and be sad about her? Will she still call the tardis “you sexy thing” when the’re alone? I’ll miss all those good things about the doctor being a guy! Let’s do protest stand outside of bbc
Missy was killed by the master when they meet @missy
Well as a matter of fact “SOPHIE” I have watched it so why don’t YOU just shut the hell up and stop being rude to REAL LOYAL fans to the ACTUAL doctors; the MALES @Sophie
I’m wth @Whovian, the romance is one of the best things about this tragedy, take rose and 10 for example, it’s just so sweet and sad. WHY FIX WHATS NOT BROKEN YOU STUPID FEMINISTS!! and yes, i CAN say that @sophie, because I’m actually a straight GIRL MYSELF!!!!! So %^#* you!!!!!