Poll: Should Class return for a second series?

Class is set to make its official debut in the US next month but fans in the UK have already been there, bought the t-shirt (though perhaps not the DVD) and… well, you get the idea.
It premiered online on BBC Three last year before airing in double bills during BBC One’s ‘graveyard slot’ (which is basically when the entire nation is asleep) in January, and it’s far from overwhelming inception into the mainstream public consciousness has left its fans – affectionally known as the ‘Classmates’ – wondering what, if anything, the future holds for their honourable heroes of Coal Hill Academy…
And let’s face it, it’s not looking good. Rumours are already abound that the show has been axed indefinitely, and even its cast members have been actively encouraging their social media followers to support a fan made petition calling for a second series. Its creator and writer Patrick Ness has persistently falsified claims that Class has officially been dismissed, though it’s likely that they’ll be holding off until after its BBC America broadcast to decide.
Whatever lies ahead for Charlie and the gang (and after that series finale, we’d certainly be intrigued to find out…), let us know if you think Class deserves a second outing in the poll and comments below. Perhaps you think its televisual journey is over but you’d like to see it continue in the form of original audio and comic books? We’d love to hear your thoughts!
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The first episode of Class, For Tonight We Might Die, airs on BBC America on Saturday 15th April 2017 at 10/9c, immediately after the Doctor Who Series 10 premiere at 9/8c.
Ohhhhhh rhetoric question
Definitely hope it returns. The Whoniverse has so much to offer, and it’s really interesting to see the people who are left behind. I really want to see what they have planned, and maybe see it work into the wider universe over time.
It barely got a chance on BBC the first time, and definitely deserves better.
It definitely should return for another series! It deserves better than what it got.
AT LEAST one more series! We only have eight episodes, and although I love them all it didn’t feel like we were shown the end of the story. Please, give us more!
I wasn’t that bothered about the series, although I liked one or two of the characters.
The only reason I’d want to see a Second Series would be to understand the serious cliffhanger of the First. I still can’t believe The Governers work for/with them.
I really enjoyed Class! It was full of very interesting characters and a great story. I would love to see it back for a couple more series!
Please, PLEASE, I beg you, bury it in the archives and burn every copy. It was a garbage show that depended on a nebulous connection with the Dr.
I forced myself to watch the first few episodes and I apologise to my eyes for putting them thru that.
Absolutely Class needs to return. Since the cancellation of Torchwood, DW fans have not had a spinoff that appealed to older viewers. Class filled that niche. With everything that the Doctor gets up to in time and space, there is a larger (smaller?) Whoniverse full of surprises and problems and aliens. What happens on Earth when the Doctor’s away is something that should always be explored in the spinoffs. Class is amazing, with characters that I immediately cared about and was invested in. Class deserves a second series, with all the amazing set up that was done last year we’ve only hit the tip of the iceberg. There is so much to be learned, especially with the cliffhanger ending with April and Corakinus. Why did the governors kill Ames? How are they working with the Weeping Angels? Though this show is a spin-off, it can answer some questions raised about the larger Whoniverse in addition to its own.
pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease i need moreeee
I am desperate for a second series! I love each and every character so much, especially Charlie, and I would hate to lose them all. It’s one of my favourite shows, it neeeds a second series, especially after those cliffhangers! So many questions, so much more they can do! And I won’t be able to cope with “I love you and I’ve lost you, goodbye” being the last words that Charlie says to Matteusz.
I really hope it does get a second season, I watched the show with little to no expectations yet fell in love with it quickly. I don’t expect it to last as long as Sarah Jane Adventures or Torchwood but I certainly hope it lasts long enough to solve that epic cliff-hanger in the season finale!
The thought of a Weeping Angel devoted cult and a girl trapped in the body of a Space Tyrant is very thrilling and I will be so disappointed if I don’t see what happens next!
Utter drivel.
From an American standpoint I’ve become used to a certain quality from British TV…and Doctor Who. I watch your shows because your television executives seemed to understand that YOU DO NOT sacrifice intelligence with tawdry because people want what’s missing from their lives! I get it. Everybody can be openly gay! So what! Those of us that did what we wanted didn’t need a television show to tell us it was okay! Oh! BTW, You don’t make a show about children and let sex (and a few aliens) be the entire story! When writing about children and teenagers think: AGE APPROPRIATE! Does anyone remember why Sarah Jane Adventures worked so well? I know at least some of us were hoping for something like that! CLASS….should try to get some!
This spin-off is awesome! Quill is my favorite & I’d like to see what happens next!I felt cheated with only 8 ep. I love all the characters. From what I’ve read so far many people agree. Please bring it back!PLEASE!!!
Class definitely deserves a second series, if only for the fact that it ended on a MASSIVE cliffhanger which needs resolving. We need more diverse, compelling, well-written shows like this.
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