Steven, Peter discuss the First Doctor’s return

Whilst flying the Doctor Who flag at San Diego Comic-Con, Steven Moffat and Peter Capaldi chatted to EW about the forthcoming return of the First Doctor.
The original (you might say…) will be coming face to face with his incumbent incarnation in this year’s Christmas Special, Twice Upon a Time, which Steven described as an “interesting” dynamic. “He was so different to the man he is now, and to the woman he’s about to become,” he said. “David Bradley is an extraordinary resemblance to William Hartnell. It’s an astonishing recreation of his performance.”
Peter, meanwhile, revealed that the multi-Doctor adventure felt like his journey with the series was “coming full circle” as he prepares to step down from the iconic role in the same episode. He explained: “It’s wonderful for me, because he’s the first Doctor I remember. The show started when I was 5 years old and I have this distant memory of this strange, grumpy but magical man in the TARDIS, and David captures that essence so beautifully.”
One man, one destiny… twice. Watch the Twice Upon a Time Comic-Con trailer »