The Doctors will return at Christmas

As revealed at the end of last night’s Series 10 finale (and in keeping with recent tabloid reports…), this year’s Christmas Special will be a multi-Doctor adventure featuring David Bradley as the First Doctor.
The actor – who previously portrayed William Hartnell in the 50th anniversary biopic An Adventure in Space and Time – made his surprise appearance in the closing moments of The Doctor Falls, which saw the Time Lord’s current incarnation being taken in the TARDIS to an unknown location as his latest regeneration began. Cue the closing titles…
The festive adventure will be Peter Capaldi’s final episode as the Doctor, as well as Steven Moffat’s last story as showrunner, and it looks like they’ll both be going out with a mighty bang as the past, present and future collide… literally! But what did you make of the chilling cliffhanger, and what are your hopes and expectations for the Christmas Special?
Above – The past and present collide as the Twelfth and First Doctors unite, this Christmas.
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“The original, you might say…” Read the latest on this year’s Christmas Special »
It’s going to be brilliant! We can tell that this takes place just before the 1st Doctor regenerates, so having two Doctor’s working together to get over their fear of regenerating sounds like an exceptional episode and a unique way for Capaldi and Moffat to leave!
And i’m guessing that it will try to continue some loose threads from The Doctor Falls, show how the Cybermen from the ship ended back on Mondas, Nardole surviving with the villagers and I hope reveal that Missy managed to regenerate! Bring on Christmas!
I admit that I’m both happy and sad at the same time.
I’m happy that moffat’s finally going to be gone.
I’m sad that we’re going to be saying goodbye to Capaldi. His Dr was one of the best we’ve had for a long time.
I’m happy that we’ll see the first DR.
I just hope that we get a few questions answered. What happens to Nardole? Does Missy regenerate? How do the cybermen get back on Mondas?
I guess we’ll just have to wait until Christmas and find out